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Men rob God by simply withholding what God requested. This robbing takes on two forms: not giving what God has required or giving less than one’s best.
Sin has consequences and brings responsibility. A man who gets right with the Lord should naturally look for ways to restore that which he has stolen.
Many people think that guilt is only the burden of those who personally commit sin. The reality is that consenting to wickedness is equally as bad.
The thief does not care for the well-being of those he victimizes. He cares for himself and only himself. He hurts and has no trouble hurting others.
Sin develops, plots, schemes, and finalizes its dastardly deeds within the heart of the guilty long before the sin manifests itself to the eyes of others.
To steal is to wrongfully and selfishly take something that belongs to someone else and place it amongst one’s own possessions.
This passage from First Kings offers the reader keen insights into one of the most enlightening prayer requests found in the Bible. King Solomon’s prayer was in response to God’s offer in advance to supernaturally answer his requests. Solomon knew that he would be completely dependent upon God’s help to be the right type of king. His humility greatly pleased the Lord and God lovingly answered his request and more. Solomon’s prayer demonstrated his recognition concerning the importance of discernment as he asked for an understanding heart to discern matters of judgment. Without this understanding concerning proper discernment, Solomon would fall short as king. Where could the king find such help? Psalm 119:104 says that understanding comes through God’s precepts (His teachings found in scripture). Psalm 119:130 teaches that the entrance of God’s word into the heart provides understanding to even those who are “simple.” Proverbs 2:6 further reveals that knowledge and understanding come from God’s mouth.