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An inheritance can come in many forms from those who have departed this life. It may include homes, cars, furnishings, and even one's entire life savings. These treasures can help and bless those in need. However, no material blessings can surpass the spiritual blessings that come directly from the Lord. Material inheritances usually come from parents or other relatives, but the Bible points to an inheritance that only comes from the Lord: a prudent wife. We may consider prudence as an irreplaceable trait for a man, but this blessing holds true for a woman also. A prudent wife is of great worth and a wonderful gift from God. The Bible confirms that a man blessed with a prudent wife and children blessed with a prudent mother should thank the Lord.
Every astute Bible student knows the importance God places upon wisdom. Accordingly, the Bible says, “Wisdom is the principal thing” (Proverbs 4:7). The verse continues, “therefore get wisdom.” No doubt, wisdom serves as one of the most important gifts for which a believer should seek God. In fact, the Lord promises, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him” (James 1:5). More than likely, these truths are not new, but some Christians fail to recognize the association of wisdom with prudence. We ought to rejoice knowing that by seeking prudence, we are seeking wisdom; and by seeking wisdom, we are seeking prudence.
Many people, including Christians, find criticism hard to accept, especially when the criticism seems to be unjustified. However, criticism (or reproof as the Bible refers to it) remains a useful tool in developing one's character. Today's text says, “A fool despiseth his father’s instruction.” In fact, the fool refuses to readily receive instruction, certain that he does not need to hear it. Yet, the prudent “regardeth reproof.” A prudent man will listen to the instructions or reproofs of others knowing that the Lord uses reproofs to adjust one’s shortcomings. The prudent man may or may not totally agree with the criticisms, but will listen to them knowing that God can still use these reproofs to change his heart.
Today, man has access to more information than at any time in history. Yet people generally seem to incorporate less spiritual research. Today's text contrasts two people and their modes of research. “The simple believeth every word.” A simple man reads something and accepts it as truth without due consideration. He hears an advertisement and buys a product without additional research. He hears something taught and believes it without considering that the source may be tainted. However, a prudent man does not behave like the simple. The Bible says that he “looketh well to his going.” He doesn’t believe something merely because he considers the teacher smart. He doesn’t buy a product simply because someone said he couldn't do without it. He studies, he researches, and he learns the facts before making his choices or decisions.
People base decisions on different things: some make choices based on their feelings, others by chance or counsel, and some by knowledge. A prudent man does not trust his feelings for making the right choices lest he be led astray. He does not believe in chance and verifies counsel before choosing his direction. When he decides, he only trusts one foundation; and that is knowledge that comes from God. His certainty for decisions only comes from facts that he can verify. Proverbs has much to say about the association of knowledge and prudence. “A prudent man concealeth knowledge”(Proverbs 12:23); “the prudent are crowned with knowledge” (Proverbs 14:18); “The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge” (Proverbs 18:15).  A prudent man demands knowledge and seeks after it with his whole heart. By doing so, he avoids the terrible fate of the fools and the simple.
Prudence is commonly connected to the word providence. With this in mind, one can understand that prudence involves the ability to foresee the possibility of future events. Of course, this does not refer to the work of modern day “prophets” who claim to have supernatural visions from God, but is related to wisdom that originates with God. These truths are borne out in our passage where we read, “A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself.” The importance of this truth bears repeating in Proverbs 27:12. Wisdom and prudence work together (Proverbs 8:12) to help us to consider possible future results when making decisions. In our passage, the prudent foresees the evil and makes a decision to hide himself, while the simple fail to steer clear of the evil and are punished for it.
It has often been said that ignorance is bliss, meaning that to be wise is folly. Nothing can be further from the truth. As with most areas of life, a man must recognize the benefits of integrity before he will truly find its protection of utmost importance. Our passage describes one benefit of integrity when it says that integrity preserves a person. Preservation can refer to several areas like being kept from trouble or kept from death. Both of these would be considered invaluable. Additionally, the Bible says that integrity upholds the believer (Psalm 41:12). This means that the Lord holds men up in the midst of troublous times. Proverbs 11:3 declares another benefit: “The integrity of the upright shall guide them.” Praise God! Integrity guides men in the right way and keeps them from trouble!
Simply for being a man of integrity, Job suffered greatly. No matter what obstacles Job was forced to overcome, he would not relinquish his integrity. In the midst of Satan’s attacks, the Lord commended Job for his integrity when He said that Job “holdeth fast his integrity” (Job 2:3). When Job’s wife verbally joined in the attacks, she pressured him to relinquish his integrity. Job wisely responded to her by saying, “Thou speakest as one of the foolish women speaketh.” Job was not willing to relinquish his integrity. There are things men consider important in life, but few realize the paramount importance of maintaining one’s integrity. The Bible repeatedly stresses the importance of integrity: “Better is the poor that walketh in his integrity, than he that is perverse in his lips, and is a fool” (Proverbs 19:1). This passage illustrates that the most important things in life cannot be purchased with money, nor can they be lost due to the absence of wealth.
As this study has shown, integrity is a matter of the heart, yet it also affects every other aspect of a man’s life. Though men sometimes try to separate an individual’s walk from his true heart’s condition, the Bible reveals the futility of such. Testifying to this truth, the Bible speaks of walking in integrity (Psalm 26:1, 11; Proverbs 19:1; Proverbs 20:7). The Bible says that “by their fruits ye shall know them” (Matthew 7:16, 20) and this principle applies to one’s integrity too. Our passage from Proverbs reveals that as the “just” man walks in his integrity, his children are likewise blessed because of his walk. The secrets of a person’s heart are often unveiled in his walk. Furthermore, a man who walks in his integrity does not fear the judgment of God (Psalm 26:1). Men need integrity of heart, but that integrity must manifest itself in their daily walk.
Men used to be commended for their level of integrity and one's handshake was considered a man’s bond. As societies continue to crumble from the pollution of immorality, men of integrity are quickly disappearing. Unfortunately, churches seem far from immune to this moral decline. What is integrity? In a narrow sense, integrity as used in scripture can be difficult to pinpoint. The word integrity occurs sixteen times in scripture. By considering each occurrence, one can discover clues that provide insight as to its meaning. Integrity is contrasted with the words like perverse (Proverbs 19:1) and perverseness (Proverbs 11:3). Conversely, integrity is used in conjunction with words like upright (Job 2:3; Proverbs 11:3) and uprightness (1 Kings 9:4; Psalm 25:21). In our passage, the word integrity is used alongside the word innocency (Genesis 20:5). These facts would lead the believer to realize that integrity speaks of a moral purity and moral correctness.