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Most people in the world would not consider themselves rich. For this reason, they might think it impossible to trust in riches. They might point to their meager bank accounts as evidence. Yet, a person does not have to be rich in order to trust in riches. No matter the amount of riches or treasures that one might have, there is a very real danger in trusting in those things. Riches, however, are of little value. According to Psalm 49:6-8, riches are of no assistance in man’s greatest need, the redemption of his soul. Not only can riches not help, but they are uncertain (1 Timothy 6:17). Those who trust in them will be disappointed and will ultimately fall (Proverbs 11:28). Even if riches increase, man should not set his heart upon them (Psalm 62:10).
To trust in someone or something involves an act of the will. The focus of this trust is something that each individual must personally decide. David expressed as much when he said, “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God” (Psalm 20:7). David identified a few of the many things upon which one might trust. The Bible also refers to those who trust in vanity (Isaiah 59:4), others in lies (Jeremiah 7:8), and still others in riches (1 Timothy 6:17). Interestingly, the Lord does not force any individual to trust in Him, nor is anyone ever forced to trust in the things of this world. It is important to point out that one’s trust cannot be divided. An individual cannot simultaneously trust in vanity, riches, or lies while trusting in the Lord.
True contentment only flourishes within the lives of committed followers of God's word. Three important truths aid in fully comprehending scriptural contentment: (1) Man was born into this world with nothing (1 Timothy 6:7), (2) Upon death, man leaves this earth with nothing (1 Timothy 6:7), and (3) God declares that man should be content when provided with food and raiment (clothing) (1 Timothy 6:8). Understanding and accepting these three truths helps cultivate a true sense of godliness and contentment. This is why the Bible defines godliness combined with contentment as “great gain” and warns those who will be rich that they fall victim to temptations, snares, and many foolish and hurtful lusts (1 Timothy 6:9). Interestingly, the Bible warns the covetous man that all of his earthly possessions during a lifetime of accumulation will be left behind for someone else to enjoy (Ecclesiastes 2:17-21). Contrariwise, the contented man with few possessions has his possessions enlarged into “great gain.”
The words content and contentment infer that one is satisfied with life's present conditions (Genesis 37:27; Exodus 2:21). Living contently is the opposite of wanting (Philippians 4:11) and covetousness (Hebrews 13:5) and is strongly associated with godliness (1 Timothy 6:6). Interestingly, contentment is a learned behaviour that believers must put into practice on a consistent basis throughout life. No one is born into the world content. Yet, once learned and practiced consistently, Christians will experience contentment in spite of any circumstance faced. Unfortunately, far too often, Christians exhibit no more contentment than non-Christians. In fact, believers seem to desire and covet the things of the world more and more with each passing year. This covetousness combined with a lack of contentment amongst Christians results in less godliness and a closer association with worldly pleasures.