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In the presence of others, Paul carefully behaved himself in such a way to bring glory to God. For example, when Paul was in the presence of the believers at Thessalonica, he was gentle, “even as a nurse cherisheth her children.” He laboured “night and day” because he “would not be chargeable” to the believers. Paul conducted himself in such a godly way that he had no problem suggesting that the believers themselves were witnesses of “how holily and justly and unblameably” he had behaved among them. Paul thought his testimony was so important that he would rather personally suffer than bring any reproach or blame upon himself or the work of God.
It is not an inconsequential matter to be called of God to serve Him. In that service, there are certain things that benefit every believer regardless of position or office held. Yet, the Bible emphasizes an even higher qualification for living for those called to an office within the New Testament church. According to Titus 1:6-9 and 1 Timothy 3:1-2, a man who desires the office of a bishop must, among other things, be blameless. This blamelessness (absence of blame) should extend to his home (1 Timothy 3:2, 4-5), to his dealings with other believers (1 Timothy 3:2-3), and to his dealings with the world (1 Timothy 3:7). The Lord gave similar qualifications for those who would serve in the office as a deacon (1 Timothy 3:10).
Christians frequently find it difficult to consistently make their practice align with their position in Christ. The saints of God are positionally blameless in Christ, but practically, each believer must strive daily to “be blameless and harmless . . . in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation.” In this world, believers represent the Lord as sons of God. As such, they should “do all things without murmurings and disputings.” Why is this so very important? The importance points to the fact that believers are to “shine as lights in the world.” It is imperative that every believer strives daily to live a godly life and preserves a godly testimony in a world that has little to no knowledge of God (Matthew 5:16).
There are two areas in which a man can be blameless. He can be blameless in his practice based upon his efforts to do right. Additionally, a believer can be blameless positionally, but this is completely based upon the finished work and righteousness of Christ. This second area of blamelessness is the subject of Ephesians 1:4 as is also the case in Colossians 1:22. In the context of that passage, it is clear this blamelessness comes only through the reconciliation of Christ (Colossians 1:21). This means that in Christ, believers bear no guilty responsibility for sins they have committed. Instead, believers are viewed and accepted in the righteousness of Christ (Ephesians 1:6).
Some people incorrectly conclude that someone is blameless only when he does nothing wrong, but the scripture teaches that “all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). The Bible continues by stating that “there is none that doeth good, no, not one” (Romans 3:12). In other words, no one ever born upon the earth, apart from the Lord Jesus Christ, has ever been sinless. This includes people like Zacharias and Elisabeth although the Bible does say that they were “blameless” concerning the commandments and ordinances of the law. How could someone be blameless and not be sinless? To be blamed suggests a failure to make wrongs right. As such, one can deduce that when Zacharias and Elisabeth sinned against the Lord, they did what the law required to make things right with God. They were blameless in the law.
When a lost man leaves this world, he finds himself in the midst of the inconceivable judgment of hell (Luke 16:19-31). Yet, when a saved person leaves this world, he finds himself in the glorious presence of the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:8) and in the midst of inconceivable joys (Psalm 16:11). Most Christians have heard about the many mansions in the Father’s house (John 14:2), but the Bible also speaks of the absence of tears, death, sorrow, and pain because “the former things are passed away” (Revelation 21:4). Not only is eternal life going to be great for the believer because of the absence of these things, but even more so because of the presence of the One who died so that believers might have that life.
Christians sometimes focus most upon the benefits believers will enjoy after this life is over, yet the benefits of salvation enjoyed in this present life are just as grand as those yet in the future. Perhaps the lack of focus on present benefits has caused some individuals to put off their salvation. Thus it is important to emphasize that salvation changes a person’s present circumstances just as much as it will his future. Salvation does not change a man’s surroundings; it changes the man. When it does, it brings things like love, joy, and peace to the individual. The very things that the average lost person expresses as his greatest needs can only be found through a present, personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
The brethren have become notorious about speaking of one another, not always in the best light. Frequently, the individual’s reputation who is the subject of the conversation dictates the tone of the conversation. We have several examples of the brethren speaking of Timothy. Thankfully, each instance involved a report of praise. If someone chose to speak evil of Timothy, the conversation would have had to revolve around some sort of baseless accusation. According to the Bible’s testimony of Timothy, he had a wonderful reputation among believers at Lystra and Iconium. Paul likewise gave a good report of Timothy when he said, “I have no man likeminded, who will naturally care for your state. . . . But ye know the proof of him, that as a son with the father, he hath served with me in the gospel” (Philippians 2:20-22). Every Christian should live in such a way that any evil report would be baseless and rejected by those who know you best.
In scripture, a man’s name frequently refers to his reputation. The wise man values a good name far above the accumulated wealth of the entire world. Its value is priceless. A good name is what others think of a man resulting from his conduct. Unfortunately, many people throughout history have willingly sabotaged their good name in order to get gain and earthly pleasure. Yet, those who truly believe and trust the word of God know that “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches.” With this in mind, the believer should reflect upon the long-term effects every decision brings upon his reputation. Reaping immediate gratification takes a back seat to the prolonged benefits of having a good name among other believers, the unsaved, and especially the Lord.