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Modern Christianity has terribly corrupted both the meaning and beauty of liberality. Giving has turned into a show designed to bring honour and praise to those doing the giving. God never intended giving to be so perverted. For this reason, the apostle Paul declared that the bountiful giving of the saints caused thanks to be given to God (2 Corinthians 9:11). The more they gave, the more thanks God would receive (2 Corinthians 9:12). The Corinthians recognized that man should not receive personal glory for giving especially when considering the fact that one’s ability to give does not exist apart from God’s enabling. This is not to say that an individual who obeys God should not be appreciated for his obedience to God. Yet, all praise and thanks belong to God. Men should give abundantly in hopes that the Lord would receive the glory and receive many thanks.
Today's passage comes from a portion of one of Christ's many parables (Luke 20:9). The interpretation of the parable declares that God sent prophets and priests to deliver His message to the Jewish people, but in the end He sent His own Son (Hebrews 1:2). In the parable, the Lord said, “I will send my beloved son: it may be they will reverence him when they see him” (Luke 20:13). The lack of reverence by the Jews did not take God by surprise. It was simply a legitimate offer to be right with God. Additionally, God intended for this parable to express an important truth: the Father expects mankind to reverence His Son. The world mocked Him, beat Him, and eventually executed Him as though He was a hardened criminal. Should we be surprised when people today fail to reverence the Son as they refuse to trust Him as Saviour?