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An assault upon the conscience of man is indicative of the “latter times.” As men depart from the faith and give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, their consciences become so weak that they show very little sign of life. The Bible describes it as a searing of their consciences with a hot iron. Initially, there is great pain in the sin and the conscience feels the pain. Yet, eventually, the conscience becomes so seared that it is numb. At that point, the conscience loses its ability to warn the believer of sin. It further loses the ability to get the believer’s attention when he is on the verge of danger. Eventually, men speak lies in hypocrisy and do not care or feel any remorse for their wickedness.
Life throws many obstacles in the believer's path. Oftentimes, these obstacles cause people to stumble and err from the truth. In fact, the Bible prophesies of the absence of people who are able to endure sound doctrine during the last days. Unfortunately, this is a major stumbling block and a lofty hurdle for modern Christianity to overcome. The typical Christian deems the Bible too difficult. He is more at ease avoiding it like the plague. In truth, the Bible is a difficult book. Yet, it is difficult not because of hard words, but because of the hard truths contained within its pages. The Bible is not likened to a sword in vain—it pierces the heart and reveals man’s deepest and darkest secrets. The sword does its most efficient work through Bible reading, Bible preaching, and Bible teaching.  Yet, regardless of the path truth travels, believers must be able to endure sound doctrine.