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The average believer would never consider the word joy to be an appropriate descriptive term for temptations. There is a great explanation for this as the average believer experiences little to no victory when tempted. Temptations put a man’s faith on trial. When his faith stands the test, he learns patience. Therefore, he sees temptation as a means by which he can grow in the Lord and add virtues such as patience. It is not that he finds joy in the temptation itself, but that God can and will use that temptation to make him "perfect and entire, wanting nothing" (James 1:4). Believers who fight through and obtain victory find joy in knowing that their faith pleases God (Hebrews 11:6).
This passage provides some of the last recorded words from Paul to Timothy. In it, Paul charged Timothy to “preach the word” (2 Timothy 4:2), “watch thou in all things, endure afflictions,” and “make full proof” of his ministry (2 Timothy 4:5). Paul then focused Timothy’s attention toward Paul’s departure from this world. The three statements in 2 Timothy 4:7 point to Paul’s life of diligence. Paul had fought the fight, finished his course, and kept the faith. He certainly could be viewed by none as a lazy man. In fact, Paul was far from slothful, warning others day and night (Acts 20:31). Before salvation, Paul worked hard to destroy Christians and Christianity. After he learned the truth, he determined to give his best to the Lord and His work.