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We previously alluded to the very real probability of conflicting authorities. What happens when the government tells men that they cannot obey the words of God? What should a lady do when her husband tells her to do something clearly contrary to the scriptures? What should employees do when asked by their employer to disobey a clear command found in the word of God? What should a church do when the preacher departs from the truths of the Bible? These are tough questions, but the Lord did not leave us without answers and guidance. When authorities conflict, “We ought to obey God rather than men.” Man’s responsibility in obedience is first and foremost to God. Men should obey those who have been given authority by God so long as those men do not lead contrary to God's precepts.
Because political abuses are becoming increasingly common, people have become disillusioned with their elected representatives. However, God is very specific concerning His purpose for government. It is empowered by God for the punishment of evil doers and the praise of the righteous (Romans 13:1-6). The Bible refers to rulers as “God’s ministers” (Romans 13:6) and these ministers are offered as a gift from God to the people. As believers, we are to submit ourselves to the ordinances of man for the Lord’s sake (1 Peter 2:13-17). In our passage, Titus was reminded that one of his responsibilities as a preacher was to put the people in mind “to be subject to principalities and powers” and to encourage them “to obey magistrates.” This may sound like a daunting responsibility because governments frequently go beyond the scope of their God-given authority. This is why God has not left Christians without direction when He instructs that is better to obey God than men (Acts 5:29).
The Bible records the fact that Ananias lied to Peter! He told Peter that he and his wife had sold some property for a certain amount of money. Yet, God and His servant knew that he had sold it for more than that indicated to Peter. The Bible teaches that Ananias told these lies to a man but had in fact lied to the Lord (Acts 5:4). Man may not recognize the extent of a lie, but lies told to others are lies told to God. This brings a whole new perspective to the wickedness of lying. Men’s lies are not just before and against men, but they appear before and are in conflict with a holy God. No wonder the apostle Paul said, “Now the things which I write unto you, behold, before God, I lie not” (Galatians 1:20). He understood that lying to men would be lying before God, and he did not want to be guilty of that.