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Our studies reveal that the Bible places great emphasis upon the evils of strife. Any sincere believer should recognize that this negative strife is often based upon pride, hatred, and a love for transgression. Yet, there are times when the opposite holds true. Striving can be done out of a holy desire to please the Lord. Perhaps the most significant aspect concerns the enemy with whom believers strive. The apostle Paul said that he “strived to preach the gospel” (Romans 15:20) and desired for believers to “strive together with” him in prayers to God (Romans 15:30). He further illustrated his point concerning striving by pointing out some opposing parallels: the world strives for mastery in order to gain a corruptible crown, but believers should strive to gain an incorruptible crown.
The apostle Paul wanted to educate the Corinthians concerning the deeper things of God; however, he was unable to do so because of their inability to grasp such spiritual truths (1 Corinthians 3:1-2). These believers displayed a carnality like none other found within the scriptures. As a result of their carnality, they also exhibited envy, strife, and divisions (1 Corinthians 3:3). As their boasting concerning the individuals they chose to follow escalated, the divisiveness also increased. Some of them boasted of following Paul, while others boasted of following Apollos (1 Corinthians 3:4). They were full of pride and Paul had to enlighten them concerning the foolishness of this strife. The strife birthed from pride yielded a foolish behaviour. Strife was all the evidence Paul needed to rebuke these believers concerning their carnality.
Life is cyclical. Many of the physical challenges experienced by young children will once again be encountered by those who live long enough. As a person ages, many things taken for granted long ago in the prime of life begin to deteriorate. For instance, the Bible says that Israel’s eyes “were dim for age” (Genesis 48:10), Barzillai’s hearing and taste buds were ill affected (2 Samuel 19:34-35), and David “gat no heat” (1 Kings 1:1) as he grew old. For these reasons and others, the Bible emphasizes that aged saints are “old and well stricken in age” (Genesis 18:11). In other words, the passing of time or the coming of age strikes the physical well-being of the body and its physical and mental functions. This physical and mental degeneration is the fulfillment of the cycle of life as the body prepares to return to the dust from whence it originally came (Ecclesiastes 12:7).
There are people everywhere who are not saved, no matter where anyone lives. In addition to that, there may also be those who do not even have the knowledge of God. Unfortunately, many believers take for granted that all those who live in certain developed nations of the world have heard the gospel of Christ. This simply is not true. As fewer preach and teach the gospel of God’s grace, the number of those ignorant of these truths continues to increase exponentially. In addition to this, those propagating damnable doctrines continue to muddy the message of salvation. These realities increase the responsibility of true believers to be better ambassadors for Christ. Paul expressed these truths when writing to the believers in Corinth. He told them about the ignorance of some in their midst and put the blame squarely upon those who knew the truth and refused to witness.
The powers demonstrated by the apostles have consumed many Bible teachers who fail to grasp the place and purpose of those powers. These teachers instruct believers to seek the same power that was bestowed upon Peter and Paul and the other apostles. Careful Bible study demonstrates that the motive in this teaching is misplaced. The power given to the apostles was given for the purpose of assisting them in telling a lost and dying world about a risen Saviour. Much of the modern teaching centers upon pride and encourages a selfish Christianity. The biblical power given to the apostles was meant to strengthen their witness to others, not simply to be a self-serving instrument. Modern Christianity focuses on self, while biblical Christianity focuses on the Saviour and others.
In order to be saved, a person must place his faith solely upon Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection for the means of salvation. Paul defined this central body of truth as the gospel of the grace of God (1 Corinthians 15:1-4; Acts 20:24). Though believers may tell what the Lord has done in their lives since being saved, the most important truth when witnessing involves Christ’s crucifixion, death, and resurrection from the dead. This truth, the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, became the theme of the early church. A careful study of the evangelistic messages of the early church testifies to this fact. Just as this doctrine historically served as the central truth when dealing with the lost, it should continue to be so today.