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Too many people have assumed that believers may freely rebuke in their own authority, but there exists no scriptural basis for this. The LORD gave us an excellent example when He said, “The LORD rebuke thee, O Satan.” When rebuking the Devil, the LORD emphasized the importance of authority. No believer should ever rebuke except according to the God-given authority of scripture. In Zechariah 3:2, the LORD was His own authority, but believers do not have any such authority in themselves apart from the Lord and His word. Paul spoke expressly about this when he charged Titus to “speak, exhort, and rebuke with all authority” (Titus 2:15). It is not sufficient to flippantly invoke the Lord’s name; one must base any rebuke upon the scripture. Henceforth, it is the Lord that rebukes, never the believer.
Believers are to rebuke others in one form or another, but what primary purpose should the rebuking serve? Some rebuke with a prideful heart leaving the person rebuked with feelings of inferiority. Some rebuke because they themselves are guilty of the same glaring fault within their own lives. However, what purpose should rebuking others serve? According to Titus 1:13, believers are told to rebuke others “that they may be sound in the faith.” Scripturally rebuking someone never serves as a self-gratifying act. Rather, it focuses upon helping others grow, improve, and spiritually mature in the Lord. It should never be the desire of a believer to see another person destroyed through a rebuke but always edified. Galatians 6:1 reiterates this same truth.
If you bite and chew your food enough times it will break down into small pieces and disappear into your stomach. In our passage, the apostle Paul informs us that our relationships with others bear the same truth. If we bite and devour one another, we will eventually consume each other. Many believers have quit attending the house of God and given up on serving the Lord because Christians have allowed their words to devour and consume. Just as food can only withstand so many bites before it is fully consumed, other believers can only take so much backbiting before weakened beyond their willingness to withstand. As the people of God, we are responsible for strengthening each other and surely will answer to God for any backbiting.