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The Lord commended the hypocrite for his discernment in certain areas of life but rebuked him for his lack of discernment in the most needful areas. As such, the hypocrite readily recognizes problems in others but remains blind to those same inadequacies within his own life. Though some might accuse the hypocrite of merely ignoring his own deficiencies, it is likely that he cannot discern the presence of these problems as they appear within his own life. This is most likely caused by the blindness produced by Satan. After all, Satan has no problem when a man finds fault in others so long as that man remains oblivious to his own failures. Without God’s help, the hypocrite will never discern that his hypocrisy is his problem.
Hypocrisy requires more effort than most people realize. In fact, the level of effort expended by the hypocrite frequently exceeds what would be necessary to simply do right. Unfortunately, man’s sinful heart will frequently choose hypocrisy over genuine righteousness. As an individual chooses to live hypocritically, his practice of hypocrisy becomes more proficient. Young children do not often understand hypocrisy. They innocently speak and do things regardless of how it may negatively impact others. Eventually, these same children, taught by adults, learn how to hide things and pretend to be something that they are not. Eventually, the honest, transparent child grows into a deceptive, hypocritical adult unless the parents consistently direct the child away from this behaviour. How do people avoid this transformation from taking place? The individual must actively and consistently attempt to live a life without deception by allowing God to control his life.
Life is cyclical. Many of the physical challenges experienced by young children will once again be encountered by those who live long enough. As a person ages, many things taken for granted long ago in the prime of life begin to deteriorate. For instance, the Bible says that Israel’s eyes “were dim for age” (Genesis 48:10), Barzillai’s hearing and taste buds were ill affected (2 Samuel 19:34-35), and David “gat no heat” (1 Kings 1:1) as he grew old. For these reasons and others, the Bible emphasizes that aged saints are “old and well stricken in age” (Genesis 18:11). In other words, the passing of time or the coming of age strikes the physical well-being of the body and its physical and mental functions. This physical and mental degeneration is the fulfillment of the cycle of life as the body prepares to return to the dust from whence it originally came (Ecclesiastes 12:7).
The Bible records Jonathan and David's strikingly close friendship like that of siblings. Regardless of this cherished relationship, Jonathan's father, king Saul, feared and despised David. Both king Saul and his son died during battle, thus paving the way for David to ascend to the throne of Israel. Once David became king, he sought for an opportunity to show kindness to any of Jonathan’s remaining family members. After searching through the land, it was discovered that Saul and Jonathan had one remaining descendent (Mephibosheth). David sent for Mephibosheth and told him his intentions of showing him the kindness normally reserved for a member of the king's family. This act of kindness included the restoration of his family’s property. David’s kindness also made provision for Mephibosheth to eat at the king’s table (2 Samuel 9:7), “as one of the king’s sons” (2 Samuel 9:11). David’s kindness meant that Mephibosheth would be viewed and treated as a son. This demonstration of kindness illustrates God's act of kindness toward His beloved children through Christ Jesus.