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This life offers only a window of time and opportunity to work for the Lord. Youthfulness and old age both offer their own hindrances to service. In many ways, though not entirely, youth should be spent in learning, middle age in doing, and old age in teaching those who are learning and doing. Many of the greatest servants of the Lord found in scripture began their journey in youth by learning of the Lord and His ways (1 Kings 18:12; Psalm 71:5; 2 Chronicles 34:3; Job 29:4; Ecclesiastes 12:1). As they approached the prime of life, they invested their learning by serving the Lord (Numbers 8:24-25). As they passed their prime, they would pass their knowledge on to the next generation in hopes of the Lord’s work continuing and flourishing (2 Timothy 4:1-8)..
The Bible repeatedly addresses the outcomes of obedience and disobedience. It reveals that blessings follow obedience and curses follow disobedience. This truth was plainly explained to the children of Israel on several occasions. In fact, the Bible lists the curses that follow disobedience (Deuteronomy 28:15-44). The curses range from personal judgment to national judgment, but the obvious fact was that disobedience withheld blessings. For instance, disobedience drove Adam and Eve from the garden in Eden (Genesis 3:22-24). Saul's disobedience cost him his kingdom (1 Samuel 28:18). Moses' disobedience meant that he could not enter into the land of promise (Numbers 20:12). The consequences of disobedience may differ today, but every act of disobedience has negative consequences.
The Lord brought the children of Israel out of their long captivity in Egypt with a mighty hand. God intended to lead them directly into the land of promise; however, the people's disobedience hindered the outcome. Numbers chapter 13 records the people's decision to send spies into the land. These twelve spies, with the exception of Joshua and Caleb, returned with a report of unbelief. Because of the spies' evil report, the Israelites feared to enter the land. Their unilateral decision provoked the Lord so much that He told them that they would die in the wilderness (with the exception of the two faithful witnesses). The people were immediately troubled by God's judgment so they decided to take matters into their own hands. Now they were “ready” to take the land, but the Lord was no longer going to accompany them into battle. This battle, which could have been easily won with the Lord's help, was lost because of disobedience (or delayed obedience). Proper obedience must be done in the proper time and according to God's timetable. The right decision made too late is the wrong decision.
Many people view meekness as an inherent weakness, yet the Bible corrects this faulty notion. The ability to demonstrate meekness in a time of ridicule or persecution displays strength. Today's passage reveals that a man slow to anger is “better than the mighty.” In fact, a man that “ruleth his spirit” is better than a military conqueror who “taketh a city.” Rather than a weakness, the ability to demonstrate meekness is a sign of great strength. The Bible declares that the Lord Jesus Christ was meek (Matthew 11:29); yet He simultaneously held the world together “by the word of His power” (Hebrews 1:3). We see that God referred to Moses as meek, yet he had the power through the Lord to part the Red Sea (Exodus 14:21) and to open the earth and swallow his enemies (Numbers 16:28-34). Weak individuals respond in anger when attacked; those who are strong exercise meekness.
The Bible reveals many instances of Moses coming under attack for trying to obey God while leading others through the wilderness. His consistent response reveals why God said that he was meeker than any man upon the face of the earth. The vast majority of times, Moses responded to others in the spirit of gentleness. Today's passage reveals one such episode when Aaron and Miriam verbally attacked Moses for marrying an Ethiopian woman. Moses did not respond to their criticisms but instead pleaded for their well-being after the Lord brought judgment upon them. This was not the only instance of a personal attack upon Moses. In fact, it is quite common for God's messengers to be attacked when acting as a spiritual leader of others. Yet, Moses' recurring response is found in Numbers 16:4, “And when Moses heard it, he fell upon his face.” Consistently, Moses prayed on the behalf of his accusers.
What is true scriptural meekness? Is meekness simply humility or does it encompass something more pervasive? Though there is some overlap in meaning, meekness goes far beyond humility. According to scripture, meekness has to do with the way men respond to one another. Today's passage reveals that meekness is best expressed by avoiding both speaking evil of others and brawling. Meekness involves responding to others with a gentle spirit. Two prominent figures, Moses (Numbers 12:3) and the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 11:29), exemplified meekness in their lives. Both men were known for their meekness. God not only desires humility in the life of the believer, but also wants His people to be known for their meekness.