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Most wars are instigated and then propagated by those with impure and mostly evil motives. Men fight these fleshly wars to satisfy their own lusts, yet the Christian warfare is ordered of the Lord. Unlike carnal wars, this battle is one of faith. The battle plans are given by the Captain seated in heaven, and these directives must be accepted by faith. In fact, the Bible refers to the warfare that is the Christian life as a “good fight.” At this present time, it is the only war declared with unwavering certainty to be ordered and completely ordained by God. Victories and defeats may not always be as visible, and the toll of wounded or killed will never be reported on the daily news, but the results of this battle have far greater significance than any war fought between two earthly people groups. Every Christian should be willing to fight the good fight of faith.
The Bible says that “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh” (Matthew 12:34). This means that the words proceeding out of our mouths originate in our hearts. When we speak bitter words, it is because there is bitterness within our hearts. David likened bitter words to arrows that pierce the flesh (Psalm 64:3). Our words ought to be “seasoned with salt” (Colossians 4:6); instead, we often allow our words to pierce through others. We tear people down rather than building them up. Why is this? Because we have a root of bitterness growing inside that finds its way from our hearts into and out of our mouths. Those who demean others generally do so because they are bitter. Attempts to justify this behaviour are fruitless because the Lord knows the root of the problem stems from our heart.
The believer is to allow no place for bitterness within his life. The book of Ephesians directly associates bitterness with the sins of wrath, anger, clamour, evil speaking, and malice. Each of these sins grieves the Spirit of God and ought to grieve the believer. As such, Christians are admonished to put away all bitterness. As bitterness shows itself in the depths of our hearts, we ought to immediately seek the Lord and plead for His help in removing it by its root. In a similar passage (Colossians 3:8), we are admonished to “put off” many of these other sins mentioned. Always keep in mind that bitterness does not edify the believer or those around him, nor does it glorify the Lord. Simply choose to obey God by putting away and putting off bitterness.