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The Bible admonishes believers to be stedfast and unmoveable (1 Corinthians 15:58). We are to be grounded and settled (Colossians 1:23) in the faith—much like a tree planted by the rivers of waters (Psalm 1:3). Yet, today's passage points to the dangers of a hardened heart set in rebellion. It is likened to a stone and a millstone. We should remain stedfast in our commitment to serve the Lord, yet our hearts should remain tender and pliable to Him and His will. A stony heart hinders the seed of God’s word from taking root (Matthew 13:5-6). This hardness hinders the possibility of spiritual fruit from taking root and maturing. A soft heart and a stedfast walk exhibit the godly balance that God desires for each of us.
God created the animals and points to them as examples for men to humbly consider. By considering these lessons, Christians can grow in their service as well as their knowledge of God’s expectations. Bible students can discover several references to animals and the specific lessons taught by them. Our passage is one such example. Proverbs admonishes the sluggard (a lazy person) to go to the ant and consider her ways (Proverbs 6:6). The ant needs no supervision, for she knows what to do and does it without instruction, supervision, or a king (Proverbs 6:7). The ant works with the future in sight so not to be lacking in times of need (Proverbs 6:8). All of this is accomplished by the ant in spite of a pure physical handicap—“the ants are a people not strong” (Proverbs 30:25).