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The apostle Paul knew the importance of having believers pray for him. Among the things for which he requested prayers, Paul specifically asked for prayer that he might maintain a good conscience, living honestly in all things. He did not trust the condition of his conscience to his own efforts but depended upon the Lord’s willingness to hear and answer the prayers of the saints. Unfortunately, far too many Christians have become entirely self-reliant and self-trusting. As such, fewer believers request or take part in prayer for another man’s conscience. Instead, prayer has generally been reduced to one’s needs whether they are physical, material, or financial. Scriptural Christianity places a greater concern for the conscience.
Sin within a person’s life messes with man’s conscience. It begins by attacking man’s knowledge of God with the end goal of causing a complete rejection of God. Sinful man turns to many different devices in hopes of taking care of his sin-tainted conscience. He may seek to pacify his conscience by doing religious works. He also may try to forget that his conscience has been corrupted by a further turning toward the pleasures of sin. In both cases, he is left with a conscience in need of purging. Where can man turn to find the purging he so strongly desires? According to the Bible, only the blood of Jesus Christ can purge a man’s conscience from dead works to serve the living God (Hebrews 9:14).
The New Testament sheds light on two types of peace: peace with God and the peace of God. Peace with God is “through” the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1; Colossians 1:20). According to today's passage, this “peace with God” is experienced only upon one’s justification at the moment of salvation. Trusting Christ's payment through His death, burial, and resurrection remains the only basis for grasping this peace. Before a man trusts in Christ, he is God's enemy (Romans 5:10), but after salvation, he has been gloriously reconciled to God through the work of God's Son. No man earns this peace and no man can lose this peace to again become God's enemy because this peace is an everlasting peace.