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One must choose his reward for actions taken. Would he rather receive eternal reward from God the Father, or temporary praise and recognition from his peers?
How would making your motive match the Lord's motive change how you approach the Christian life (from witnessing to praying to Bible reading and so on)?
It takes a person with strong conviction to be willing to die for a cause. However, the one martyred is not necessarily a mature and complete Christian.
Every believer battling temptation faces an inward struggle. A part of him (his spirit) wants to do right and to please the Lord, while another part of him (his flesh) loves sin and self more than the Saviour. If this struggle goes unchecked, the flesh will certainly win every time. Man’s spirit requires reinforcements in order to win this battle. According to Matthew 26:41, two of these resources include watchfulness and prayer. It is imperative for each believer to implement both, for one without the other leaves a person with certain vulnerabilities when temptations arise. Watchfulness demonstrates the saint’s personal responsibility, while prayer demonstrates his need for God’s intervention.