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Every believer battling temptation faces an inward struggle. A part of him (his spirit) wants to do right and to please the Lord, while another part of him (his flesh) loves sin and self more than the Saviour. If this struggle goes unchecked, the flesh will certainly win every time. Man’s spirit requires reinforcements in order to win this battle. According to Matthew 26:41, two of these resources include watchfulness and prayer. It is imperative for each believer to implement both, for one without the other leaves a person with certain vulnerabilities when temptations arise. Watchfulness demonstrates the saint’s personal responsibility, while prayer demonstrates his need for God’s intervention.
Throughout history, various motives have moved men to sing unto the Lord. Some men sang as a testimony of some specific thing God had done for them (Exodus 15:1; Psalm 126:1-2). Others sang in order to teach truths set forth in the word of God (Colossians 3:16; Psalm 101:1). Some even sang songs that would testify against them in times of disobedience (Deuteronomy 31:19). Though some things have changed throughout history, God’s people still should sing songs of personal testimony like My Jesus, I Love Thee; songs that teach like Holy and Reverend Is the Name; and songs that witness against disobedience like He Was Not Willing.
God gave us the Bible to serve as our final authority in all matters of faith and practice. This certainly includes the types of songs that should be sung. In fact, the Bible contains an entire book of songs, the Book of Psalms. According to Colossians 3:16, the psalms is only one of three categories of songs to be sung by New Testament believers. Basically, psalms are scriptures set to musick, hymns are doctrinal songs speaking specifically of the Lord, and spiritual songs deal with the Christian life and practice. A diligent study of history yields evidence that God’s people have been singing songs from each of these categories since the church’s inception.
Those who are constantly defending themselves in the midst of wrongdoing find it difficult to receive knowledge and understanding. This is the point of today's passage. Our society increasingly resorts to making excuses as to why they feel it unnecessary to be taught or corrected for wrongdoing. Unfortunately, many Christians are increasingly guilty of this same character flaw. However, the Bible promises to guide the meek in judgment; that is, the meek will be led of the Lord in matters of judgment. In addition to this leading, the Lord will also teach the meek His way. However, when we are quick to defend ourselves when feeling threatened, we will not learn the Lord's lessons. We will not be guided by Him in judgment, nor will we be taught His way.