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A good steward is recognized for his strong desire to please his master. For this reason, he does not expend the majority of his time and energy toward pleasing other stewards. He recognizes his first responsibility as accountability toward his master. So long as he pleases his master, all other issues will adequately fall into their rightful place. So it is with the steward of God. It is not that he lacks any desire to please others, but this desire pales in comparison to his desire to please the Lord. Simply put, he does not allow others to conflict with his primary responsibility of pleasing his Master. Unfortunately, this issue has become one of the most significant hindrances facing modern Christianity—the inordinate desire men have to please one another rather than the One that matters most.
A basic definition of communication involves making things common. When we speak to others, we express what is in our minds and hearts making those thoughts common with others. The Bible warns the believer in Ephesians 4:29 to “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.” The words that come out of our mouths should edify or build up others, not demean and degrade them. They should be strengthened by what we say. Keep in mind that corrupt communications weaken the believer (1 Corinthians 15:33). This is why Christians are instructed to put off all “filthy communication” (Colossians 3:8).