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Men seek pleasures for various reasons, but sometimes they simply desire to escape sorrows and grief. In the days of Amos, the people were at ease in their “beds of ivory,” feasting upon “the lambs out of the flock, and the calves out of the midst of the stall,” listening with anticipation to their new “instruments of musick,” and indulging themselves by drinking “wine in bowls.” In other words, they pampered their flesh “with the chief ointments.” In the midst of all these pleasures, the people of God had no heart to grieve for others who were suffering. Similar to Israel, the church spends so much of its time seeking pleasure that it devotes no time to grieve for their fellow brethren in suffering.
According to the apostle Paul, the last days would be marked by an ever greater love for pleasure than a love for the Lord. This lack of love for the Lord might manifest itself in various ways but ultimately results from a heart problem. For instance, an individual might forsake Bible reading or prayer in order to enjoy some form of amusement. He might choose not to take part in his church’s outreach because he is instead consumed with pleasure-seeking. He might forsake the assembling together with the saints of God in a worship service because he is consumed by seeking out worldly entertainment. Though men justify these things, this is an open manifestation that men choose pleasures over the God who sent His Son to die for their sins.
When man trusts in nothing, he receives nothing in return. That is the primary point of Job 15:31. Yet, that is not the only truth being taught. It is also true that people should not trust in anything of little to no value. This would include beauty (Ezekiel 16:15; Proverbs 31:30) and riches (Psalm 62:10). Unfortunately, many in this world have become accustomed to trust in their intellect, beauty, and riches. The end result is borne out in the entertainment and business worlds, but the seeds of this troubling problem usually begin in early childhood. Young people often hear the emphasis placed upon their appearance or education as the primary means of getting the things that these young people want most in life.