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Unscriptural authority undermines God’s true authority. Unfortunately, many well-meaning Christians have determined that their own experiences or feelings hijack God’s authority. Authority, however, is only proper when it is within the God-given boundaries established by God’s word. One example is the authority to teach and lead men. According to scripture, this authority is not given to women (1 Timothy 2:12), and when a woman seeks to commandeer this authority, she does so apart from the Lord’s leading. The same holds true when children try to lead the home, or when others seek authority that the Lord never intended for them.
The Devil despises any praise offered toward God. Men who sacrifice to God demonstrate their valuation of Him. For this reason, the Devil longs to eliminate godly sacrifices. Daniel 9:27 references a future time known as Daniel’s seventieth week when the Devil will cause the reinstituted Jewish animal sacrifices to cease. In the present age, God has clearly shown that He has no desire for man to sacrifice animals. Instead, believers offer spiritual sacrifices to God thus demonstrating their praise and declaring their love for God. Just as the Devil will one day seek to end the physical sacrifices given to the Lord by the Jewish people, he presently works hard to keep New Testament believers from offering the spiritual sacrifices of praise to God.
God desires the sacrifices of men because they demonstrate the love men have for Him. Yet, in reality, man’s sacrifices do not fulfil any need that God inherently has. The Lord made this clear to the Old Testament saints when He said, “I am full of the burnt offerings” (Isaiah 1:11). In another place He told them, “If I were hungry, I would not tell thee: for the world is mine, and the fulness thereof” (Psalm 50:12). The New Testament believer offers sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving (Hebrews 13:15), and these sacrifices please God, but these sacrifices do not improve God in any way. With or without the sacrifices of men, God continues to be who He is.
The scriptures plainly and repeatedly state that Christ gave Himself as man’s complete and only sacrifice. Yet, the New Testament proclaims that because of salvation, the believer can offer spiritual sacrifices to God (1 Peter 2:5). Before a believer can determine the complete nature of these sacrifices, he must first recognize that any such sacrifices must be made to God only. The Lord declared His jealous nature in the Old Testament when He said, “He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed” (Exodus 22:20). Though much has changed, God still demands that man’s sacrifices be presented to Him and Him alone.
There are few sights and sounds like that of a majestically flowing river. For this reason, the Lord promised His people that they would have “been as a river” through simple obedience. This analogy using the river not only speaks of quality but also of quantity. Israel's obedience would bring a peace similar to the calming effect of a flowing river. This peace would also be quantitatively associated to the vast amounts of water which flow down a river. The Lord reaffirmed this truth when He said of Jerusalem, “Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river” (Isaiah 66:12). This peace too was dependent upon the obedience of the people of God. Unfortunately, for most people, life is more like the raging waves of the sea rather than the pristine flowing waters of a river. God in His grace desires to reward the obedient with peace like a river, but disobedience has its own set of unmanageable outcomes.
Believers understand why the world seems completely oblivious to its true need. Yes, the world needs peace but not the peace they suspect – absence of war! Bible students recognize that trusting Jesus Christ is the means whereby individuals can quench their thirst for peace. This knowledge of the truth carries with it a grave responsibility along with a marvellous privilege. The scripture points to the beauty of the feet of those that “bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!” Why are the feet mentioned as being so beautiful? The feet of the man carry him to publish peace. Similar phraseology appears in Nahum 1:15. Those who know God's peace are blessed with the responsibility and granted the opportunity to take that message of peace to others.
It is important to realize that the perception of peace in a person's life can be truly deceptive. Those who live for the Devil and for themselves may seem to prosper and enjoy peace. They may even testify of the peace that they seem to enjoy while those living for the Lord honestly exhibit trials and temptations associated with such a relationship. Yet, we have God's word on the matter: the wicked have no peace. This truth is so important that the Lord repeated the thought of the wicked having no peace in Isaiah 57:21. The wicked may enjoy times of calm in their lives, but these times are not the true and enduring peace that only comes from a relationship with the Saviour. Consider this vivid description before embarking on such a life: “the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt” (Isaiah 57:20). Peace comes from God!
Previous studies explored the source of peace. Today's study may seem to contradict these previous studies; however, peace is always contingent upon its single source which is God. Nevertheless, peace manifests itself through multiple sources. Each of these sources fully relies upon the Lord and is given by Him as means to finding peace. Today's passage reveals that peace is contingent upon our minds staying upon God. The last part of the verse further defines what it means to have one's mind stayed upon the Lord. It involves trusting in God, or having faith. The Bible stresses that those who love God’s law will have great peace (Psalm 119:165). Ultimately, peace entails loving and trusting what God has said. Failure to trust God’s words inhibits true and lasting peace.
Society has become increasingly tumultuous offering vast distractions yet supplying little peace of mind. Unfortunately, most people seeking peace do so through the wrong means. Some seek it through entertainment, some through medication, some through relationships, and others through materialism; but their desire for peace remains an ever elusive quest. God is the only source offering true and lasting peace. In fact, the word of God identifies the Lord five times as the “God of peace” (Romans 15:33; Romans 16:20; Philippians 4:9; 1 Thessalonians 5:23; Hebrews 13:20). Another passage identifies Him as the “Lord of peace” (2 Thessalonians 3:16). Additionally, the Lord Jesus is identified as “The Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). Not only do these truths affirm that the Lord has peace to offer, but that He is the One in control of providing peace. Trying to find peace apart from God’s working is comparable to salvation without a Saviour.
On the surface, one might superficially define peace as an absence of war, troubles, or trials. Yet, the Bible indicates a much broader concept. Two words in our passage suggest as much. The Bible says, “the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.” The next verse states that God’s “people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places.” Both verses incorporate the words quietness and assurance revealing that peace offers a quiet assurance. Fortunately, this means that peace for the child of God is not contingent upon the circumstances of life. Christians can experience peace even while enduring the worst of circumstances.