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Though violence rages today, the saint of God can find great comfort in knowing that violence is only a temporary attribute of living. There is coming a day when violence will no longer find place amongst mankind. Isaiah relayed this truth to his people when he stated that there would come a time when “Violence shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders; but thou shalt call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise.” Although the conditions and timing may vary for the Jews and the church of God, the reality of a future void of violence remains constant. One day, hopefully soon, each believer will find himself in the presence of the very God who will cause all violence to cease.
The world would have us believe that riches belong to those of greatest sophistication while poverty tends to induce violence. However, the truth testifies otherwise. In Micah 6:12, the Bible speaks of a time when the rich were “full of violence.” In like manner, Amos spoke of those who would “store up violence and robbery in their palaces” (Amos 3:10). Asaph spoke of “the prosperity of the wicked” (Psalm 73:3) and that “violence covereth them as a garment” (Psalm 73:6). Riches do not remove a man’s desire for violence. In fact, riches often promote a man’s hunger for it. Many have suggested that poverty lies at the root of much of the violence in the world; however, the scriptures teach otherwise.
Joy and peace! Any sensible person would readily admit his desire for a life filled with joy. Yet, few people understand the prerequisites for regularly living that way. Previous studies mentioned several of joy’s accompanying virtues, but today’s passage provides one of joy's unifying properties. According to our passage, peace accompanies joy. Proverbs 12:20 also expresses this same relationship: “Deceit is in the heart of them that imagine evil: but to the counsellors of peace is joy.” Those who seek peace will often find joy in this life because peace and joy are entwined. Isaiah 55:12 restates this truth: “For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace.” It is important to note that men will not “go out with joy” unless they are first “led forth with peace.” Peace and joy are always inseparable. Those who have the peace of God after they are at peace with God through salvation will experience "joy unspeakable" (1 Peter 1:8).
People express joy in distinct ways: some expressions involve tears, some laughter, and some simple words of praise; yet each expression of joy stems from the goodness of God. With all these variations, the Bible repeats a few expressions in conjunction with people having joy. Several times we are told that the people of God rejoiced with great joy (1 Kings 1:40; Nehemiah 12:43). This joy on the part of the people of God generally manifested itself as a vocal expression of praise. Additionally, the Bible also connects joy with music, like the noise of a harp (Isaiah 24:8) and singing (Psalm 95:1-2). Though the Bible conveys various types of expressions, true joy cannot be hidden.
The Bible provides several sources of man’s joy, but each source can in some way be directly traced back to the Lord. In today's passage, Psalm 43:4 describes God as the psalmist's “exceeding joy.” According to Psalm 16:11, there is “fulness of joy” in God’s presence. While the Bible indicates that man’s soul can be joyful in the Lord (Psalm 35:9; Isaiah 61:10), it also associates joy directly to God’s strength (Psalm 21:1). Moreover, God’s word provides a source of joy for the saint (Jeremiah 15:16). In the New Testament, the book of Romans identifies God as the saint’s source of joy, but specifically, this joy comes “through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:11). Perhaps men lack the joy of the Lord because they disregard the Lord of their joy.
Words always have associative properties with other words; the word joy is no exception. When considering a definition of joy, many people would assume it is being happy or happiness in general.  However, the Bible does not associate joy primarily with being happy. God provided another word to enable the Bible student to define the word joy. In each of the three verses in our passage, the scripture makes reference to joy, either indirectly: rejoiced (Esther 8:15) or directly (Esther 8:16, 17). A careful consideration will identify that joy is associated with the words glad (Esther 8:15) and gladness (Esther 8:16, 17). This connection is consistent throughout the Bible (Psalm 51:8; Psalm 105:43; Isaiah 16:10) and is specifically connected to gladness of heart (Deuteronomy 28:47; 1 Kings 8:66; Esther 5:9).