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The word religion has a bad reputation. Truly, religion that offers no change of heart is bad, but there is religion that changes a man’s heart before God.
The world is full of religion, but this religion bears little to no resemblance to the truth of the scriptures. Why? Because man-made religion is vain.
Many people have the appearance of being religious, but few seem to truly love God and follow His word. As a rule, men want to feel and look religious.
Far too many people have forsaken the simplicity which is in Christ and have instead pursued the complexity and labour of religion (2 Corinthians 11:3).
The gospel according to Matthew points to the fowls of the air and the lilies of the field as examples of God’s supernatural provisionsfor His creation. God in His goodness feeds the fowls and clothes the lilies. How much more will He do for man? Since God provides for the lesser things, He tells man not to worry about what he will have to eat, drink, or how he will be clothed. Instead of focusing on one's needs, man should direct his thoughts toward God's kingdom and His righteousness. God provides man with food and raiment and instructs him to be content with such things. The scripture also rebukes the faithless by encouraging men to trust God for their necessary provisions. It is important to note that God's supernatural provisions do not advocate laziness or condone an unwillingness to work (2 Thessalonians 3:10). He simply expects man to trust Him fully and completely.