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Although one individual may possess both power and authority, the two are not identical. Authority is the right or responsibility to do something whereas power is the ability to do something. Unfortunately, the modern versions missed this truth when they translated Matthew 28:18. Instead of properly expressing that because of the resurrection the Lord Jesus had been given all power in heaven and earth, these so-called bibles suggest that He had been instead given authority. The authority already resided with Him, but the resurrection declared Him “to be the Son of God with power” (Romans 1:4). His resurrection from the dead gave Him the power over death by conquering the one who possessed the power of death (Hebrews 2:14).
With the need so great, Christians frequently wonder why they are not used more in the Lord’s service and work. They fail to realize that their reputations have limited many of their opportunities. Until their reputations are repaired, their opportunities will remain hindered. In the early church, a problem came to the attention of the apostles when the “widows were neglected in the daily ministration” (Acts 6:1). As the apostles gave counsel for a solution, they suggested that the believers look out among them “seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom” (Acts 6:3). Why was it so important to consider the reputations of those men who were potential candidates? The apostles knew that the reputation of man hinders or helps in the service of the Lord.
Men not only develop reputations among other men, but they also develop a reputation with the Lord. A wise individual seeks “favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man.” Fortunately, the path to favour in the sight of God follows the same course as that of finding favour in the sight of the right kind of men. According to Proverbs 3:1-3, these elements include remembrance of God’s law, keeping the commandments, and forsaking not mercy and truth. Before dismissing the importance of this dual favour amongst both God and man, consider that the scriptures inform us that the Lord Jesus increased in wisdom leading to an increase in “favour with God and man.”
For the most part, David’s reputation is one to be admired. That reputation as a servant of God and of Saul was established by his pattern of godly behaviour. According to scripture, David’s “name was much set by.” Why? Because he “behaved himself more wisely than all the servants of Saul.” The way in which David conducted himself even during times of extreme adversity caused the people of God to speak of him often and he became elevated in their minds and hearts. David moved ahead of Saul in popularity not by eloquent speeches of self-aggrandizement, but merely because he allowed God to use his good behaviour to gain a godly reputation among the people. In similar fashion, men today are still not going to develop good reputations apart from the right behavior.
Before a man will ever learn how to be a great leader, he must first learn how to be a dependable follower. If he cannot serve without receiving recognition, he will never know how to handle the recognition once he takes on a leadership role. If a man will not follow instructions, he will never be equipped to give instructions that others should follow. Long before Joshua led the children of Israel into the land of promise, he faithfully served as the minister of Moses. Before Joshua became known as the leader of a nation, he faithfully gave himself to the previous leader of Israel. Likewise, before David became the king of Israel, he submitted himself as a servant to Saul. And lastly, before Elisha ever became a great prophet of God, he faithfully served under Elijah’s tutelage.
People, especially the young or those new in the Lord, have many misconceptions. Leadership serves as a prime example because of a failure to grasp how it truly works. Many people dream of a future time when they will no longer have to submit to any authority. However, everyone has a leader to which he must submit and follow. God designed the home to have a specified order of authority: the children submit to the parents (Ephesians 6:1); the wife submits to her husband (Colossians 3:18); and the husband submits to the Lord (1 Corinthians 11:3). In the country, the citizens are to submit to the government (1 Peter 2:13-14) as the government submits to the Lord (1 Peter 3:22). Everyone is under some authority. Saved people are commanded to follow their Lord (John 8:42); whereas lost people follow their father, the Devil (John 8:44). Everyone answers to someone whether or not they acknowledge that submission.