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Believers are not to speak, look, think, or act like the world. In every way possible, believers are to remain separate and distinct. Believers saved for any length of time have noticed the drastic shift in what the world defines as acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. For instance, man in general once disdained the idea of tattoos, body piercings, and cuttings in the flesh (Leviticus 19:28). Yet, now these things are not only acceptable but even practiced by believers. The world used to distinguish between men and women, even taking note of one’s hair length (1 Corinthians 11:14-15). Yet these distinctions have been blurred and in some cases eliminated with men attempting to become women and women men. The people of God are not to follow along with cultural shifts, but abide rather in the unchangeable words of God.
The powers demonstrated by the apostles have consumed many Bible teachers who fail to grasp the place and purpose of those powers. These teachers instruct believers to seek the same power that was bestowed upon Peter and Paul and the other apostles. Careful Bible study demonstrates that the motive in this teaching is misplaced. The power given to the apostles was given for the purpose of assisting them in telling a lost and dying world about a risen Saviour. Much of the modern teaching centers upon pride and encourages a selfish Christianity. The biblical power given to the apostles was meant to strengthen their witness to others, not simply to be a self-serving instrument. Modern Christianity focuses on self, while biblical Christianity focuses on the Saviour and others.