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A tremendous spiritual and physical battle wages around the value of life and the determination of when life begins. Unfortunately, Christians have incorporated the unscriptural terminology of the world by allowing the opposition to define these most important matters. This is especially true concerning the birth of a child. According to the Bible, a woman who is expecting is said to be “with child” (Genesis 16:11; Matthew 1:18). Modern terminology removes the direct association of the unborn to life. Sadly, the termination of the unborn life is simply labeled as an “abortion” rather than murder (the ungodly shedding of innocent blood). To abort means the cancellation of a mission. A woman who is “with child” has another living soul “with” her. As time progresses in the child’s development within the womb, the mother becomes “great with child” (Luke 2:5) until she is “ready to be delivered” (Revelation 12:4; see also 1 Samuel 4:19; Isaiah 26:17).
God’s desire is that His people would grow into unity. The “perfect man” will experience this unity. The word perfect does not suggest a person without sin; but, rather, an individual who has matured in the Lord and been “furnished unto all good works” (2 Timothy 3:17). A perfect man is not without error, but is mature enough in the Lord to exercise the lowliness, meekness, and forbearance discussed in the previous devotions. The Bible says, “Mark the perfect man . . . for the end of that man is peace” (Psalm 37:37).  The will of God is that “we all” would come to this “unity of the faith.” It will only happen as believers grow “unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.”