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When one side defeats another in battle, to the victor goes the spoils. This means that the victor enters the camp of the defeated and takes its valuable possessions (including women, children, material goods, etc.). With this truth in mind, the apostle Paul warned the believers at Colosse to be on guard, knowing that men would seek to spoil them through philosophy and vain deceit. In other words, accepting the philosophies of men, or false doctrines, is likened to losing a battle and allowing the enemy to rob the believer of his most valuable possessions. It is important to understand that although a believer can never lose his salvation, he can be robbed of his stability, growth, peace, and joy.
As opportunities present themselves, we ought to “do good” unto others. Scripturally speaking, we have a basic duty to help “all men,” but our foremost responsibility should be directed toward those “who are of the household of faith.” Regardless of our heart’s desire, the Lord knows there are times when we cannot help those in need. This fact should never be used as an excuse when we have a genuine opportunity, as the good that we might do to others does not always merely involve financial help. Acts chapter 3 offers an example of Peter and John who were faced with such a situation. Peter responded, “Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee” (Acts 3:6). Where these men lacked any monetary opportunity to help the lame man, they fulfilled their responsibility by imparting help in the way that God had especially enabled them.