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The enemies of God and of His people have always sought to conquer those weak in the faith by destroying their faith. Even now, false teachers seek to deceive the hearts of the simple – those who lack knowledge, understanding, and wisdom (Proverbs 8:5; Proverbs 9:4, 13). According to the scripture, these teachers do so “by good words and fair speeches.” It is not some raving, ranting lunatic that is most dangerous; it is the sweet talking, kind, loving, liar. In order to gain a following, a teacher must only appeal to others by sounding intelligent and offering “fair speeches” sprinkled with truth. If he can present things new to his audience, whether factual or not, the simple will become enamoured with his abilities and follow his teachings. This is why the Bible warns believers to have no fellowship with those who teach things contrary to the scripture. Any world religious leader who speaks softly and kindly yet fails to proclaim the true gospel probably lives more like a devil in private. The Bible calls these people wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Today, man has access to more information than at any time in history. Yet people generally seem to incorporate less spiritual research. Today's text contrasts two people and their modes of research. “The simple believeth every word.” A simple man reads something and accepts it as truth without due consideration. He hears an advertisement and buys a product without additional research. He hears something taught and believes it without considering that the source may be tainted. However, a prudent man does not behave like the simple. The Bible says that he “looketh well to his going.” He doesn’t believe something merely because he considers the teacher smart. He doesn’t buy a product simply because someone said he couldn't do without it. He studies, he researches, and he learns the facts before making his choices or decisions.
People base decisions on different things: some make choices based on their feelings, others by chance or counsel, and some by knowledge. A prudent man does not trust his feelings for making the right choices lest he be led astray. He does not believe in chance and verifies counsel before choosing his direction. When he decides, he only trusts one foundation; and that is knowledge that comes from God. His certainty for decisions only comes from facts that he can verify. Proverbs has much to say about the association of knowledge and prudence. “A prudent man concealeth knowledge”(Proverbs 12:23); “the prudent are crowned with knowledge” (Proverbs 14:18); “The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge” (Proverbs 18:15).  A prudent man demands knowledge and seeks after it with his whole heart. By doing so, he avoids the terrible fate of the fools and the simple.