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It is easier to love those with whom we feel a common bond and share a special relationship. In fact, the Lord suggests as much in the scripture. When the Lord encouraged His people to love strangers, He did so by reminding them that they too had been strangers in the land of Egypt. By recalling their past associations, the Israelites would know how to better deal with those who were strangers to them. It would be good for them to recall some of the trials they faced when they were strangers in a strange land. With this in mind, they would know how to care for and minister to the strangers. Though Christians are not under the law and most are not Israelites, much can be learned from these truths. It becomes easier to love those to whom we can closely relate.
Prior to salvation, every individual comes to understand the need for forgiveness of sins. Forgiveness is directly associated to the nature of man’s relationship with God. Yet, apart from the need for initial forgiveness, most Christians have a very shallow concept of how the Bible defines forgiveness in general. According to scripture, forgiveness is directly connected to the covering of sin (Psalm 32:1). Psalm 32 does not stand alone as Psalm 85:2 exhibits the same association: “Thou hast forgiven the iniquity of thy people, thou hast covered all their sin. Selah.” It is important to understand the Bible correlation of something being forgiven and covered. Interestingly, the Bible connects being forgiven and covered with financial expressions. For example, the Bible uses forgiveness as a financial term in Matthew 6:12. The term forgiveness suggests a removal of responsibility, while the term covered suggests that the debt was settled by another.
The New Testament sheds light on two types of peace: peace with God and the peace of God. Peace with God is “through” the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1; Colossians 1:20). According to today's passage, this “peace with God” is experienced only upon one’s justification at the moment of salvation. Trusting Christ's payment through His death, burial, and resurrection remains the only basis for grasping this peace. Before a man trusts in Christ, he is God's enemy (Romans 5:10), but after salvation, he has been gloriously reconciled to God through the work of God's Son. No man earns this peace and no man can lose this peace to again become God's enemy because this peace is an everlasting peace.
The previous devotion explored the importance of patience in the life of the believer. That study revealed how God's word challenges us to have boldness and to pray for patience. Today's study reveals why Christians are frequently taught not to ask or pray for patience. The scripture points out a four step process by which the believer increases in hope. This process includes wonderful aspects like patience, experience, and hope; however, the step preceding patience troubles most believers. “Tribulation worketh patience” (Romans 5:3). Since patience develops through enduring times of difficulty, the difficulties present the best opportunity to gain true patience. James reinforces this truth by stating that “the trying of your faith worketh patience” (James 1:3). People should not be discouraged from praying for patience since the inevitable tribulation and trials develop the patience, experience, and hope that God desires in the Christian's life.
Patience functions as an essential attribute in the life of every faithful believer. The Bible clearly points to patience as necessary for the development of experience and hope (Romans 5:3-5). Additionally, patience makes the believer “perfect and entire, wanting nothing” (James 1:4). In fact, Peter's second epistle promises that the believer possessing patience “shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 1:5-9). Therefore, the Bible seems to emphatically proclaim that men “have need of patience” (Hebrews 10:36). Patience is especially necessary in times of trial and during periods of uncertainty. Patience will not be necessary in eternity, but life on earth presents times that demand the utmost patience.
Have you ever heard that it is unwise to pray for patience? Since “tribulation worketh patience” (Romans 5:3), it is thought to be dangerous to pray for patience. The idea may be quaint, but it does not make for good advice. The word patience is historically connected to the word passion which is biblically defined as suffering (Acts 1:3). True to its association, the word patience means to suffer or endure some time of trial. No wonder doctors and hospitals refer to a person suffering from health issues as a patient. The Bible bears further testimony to these truths by associating patience with waiting (James 5:7) and enduring (2 Thessalonians 1:4; James 5:11). The Bible also combines patience with the word longsuffering (Colossians 1:11). These words may appear the same, but they are not. Longsuffering has to do with the quantity (or length of time) of endurance, while patience has to do with the quality of endurance.
The Bible provides several sources of man’s joy, but each source can in some way be directly traced back to the Lord. In today's passage, Psalm 43:4 describes God as the psalmist's “exceeding joy.” According to Psalm 16:11, there is “fulness of joy” in God’s presence. While the Bible indicates that man’s soul can be joyful in the Lord (Psalm 35:9; Isaiah 61:10), it also associates joy directly to God’s strength (Psalm 21:1). Moreover, God’s word provides a source of joy for the saint (Jeremiah 15:16). In the New Testament, the book of Romans identifies God as the saint’s source of joy, but specifically, this joy comes “through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:11). Perhaps men lack the joy of the Lord because they disregard the Lord of their joy.
According to the Bible, before a man trusts Christ as Saviour, he remains the enemy of God (Romans 5:10; Colossians 1:21). But God, in His great mercy, saves His enemies as they individually choose to trust in Christ’s payment for their sins. Though a Christian has the indwelling Spirit, he never fully comprehends all that the Lord has done for him through salvation. This is why the Bible says that God’s love passes all knowledge (Ephesians 3:19). However, the more a man draws nigh to God, the more he learns about the kindness God has shown him through Jesus Christ. No matter how we learn in this life, eternity will continue to reveal to the saints the depths of the kindness of God. No wonder the greatness and marvellous nature of His love is truly beyond comprehension.
Some people seem unable to function without daily interaction with friends. Yet, others think such attachments overbearing and far too demanding. Unfortunately, the world frequently misconstrues what constitutes true friendship. Additionally, far too many times, friends abuse this important relationship. Social media sites even refer to one's mere acquaintances as “friends.” No wonder the world remains so confused concerning the essence of true biblical friendship. Regardless of one’s perspective on these matters, the Bible points out that there is One friend that man cannot do without and He is “a friend that sticketh closer than a brother" (Proverbs 18:24). This could simply refer to people who have friends  more loyal than those in one's own family, but likely references the Lord. His level of commitment causes Him to be a friend to those deemed unlovable by the world. Simply consider what the Bible says about His sacrifice. Christ died on the cross for His enemies (Romans 5:10) so that they could become His friends (John 15:13-15). Truly, He is that “friend that sticketh closer than a brother.”