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God looks for opportunities to show Himself strong in the lives of His saints. This is true both historically and in the lives of His people living today.
God has a calling on each man’s life. Furthermore, He enables men to fulfill their appointed work. Man, however, must be strong and DO the work.
During times of battle, believers commonly find themselves to be underdogs. Faith, however, refuses to retreat and trusts God to overcome superior foes.
Loyalty may seem to go unobserved but eventually yields unexpected and momentous dividends. The story of Esther’s uncle uniquely exemplifies this point. Mordecai sat in the king’s gate in Shushan. One day, while he sat in the gate, he overheard two men plotting to kill the king. When Mordecai heard the news, he immediately repeated these words to Queen Esther, thus foiling the plot. The two men were tried, found guilty, and ultimately executed. At first, Mordecai’s loyalty seemed to remain unnoticed, but one night the king was troubled and could not sleep. His servants, by divine providence, read the record of Mordecai’s loyalty to him (Esther 6:1-3). Soon thereafter, Mordecai’s loyalty was rewarded (Esther 6:4-11). His loyalty most likely saved his life and spared the lives of countless Jews (see Esther chapter 7).
This passage provides some of the last recorded words from Paul to Timothy. In it, Paul charged Timothy to “preach the word” (2 Timothy 4:2), “watch thou in all things, endure afflictions,” and “make full proof” of his ministry (2 Timothy 4:5). Paul then focused Timothy’s attention toward Paul’s departure from this world. The three statements in 2 Timothy 4:7 point to Paul’s life of diligence. Paul had fought the fight, finished his course, and kept the faith. He certainly could be viewed by none as a lazy man. In fact, Paul was far from slothful, warning others day and night (Acts 20:31). Before salvation, Paul worked hard to destroy Christians and Christianity. After he learned the truth, he determined to give his best to the Lord and His work.