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Since the garden in Eden, God has longed for fellowship with the very people He created (Genesis 3:8). In fact, one of the great reasons God desires for people to learn to communicate with others is so they can, in turn, understand how to better communicate with Him. Communication with God takes place in two major forms. Man communicates with God through prayer. Prayer can take place simply within one’s heart or verbally but can only be accomplished when a man conveys his thoughts or concerns to the Lord. God, on the other hand, communicates with man through the scriptures. Before Eve, communication existed between a man (Adam) and his God. Even in eternity, it appears that the greatest form of communication will exist between God and the redeemed.
Our verbal communications involve the words that spring forth from our mouths. No doubt, the Lord considers these communications important and we should too. In today’s passage, the Lord gave some specific insights concerning His expectations of our communication. First, He wants our communication to be short and to the point – “let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay” (Matthew 5:37; see also Proverbs 10:19; Ecclesiastes 5:3, 7). Second, our word should be validated without the necessity of certifying it with vows, oaths, and swearing. In the context of the passage, the Lord Jesus forbade swearing “by heaven” (Matthew 5:34), “by the earth” (Matthew 5:35), or “by thy head” (Matthew 5:36). When we swear by these things, we put ourselves in danger of condemnation (James 5:12). Let your nay be nay and your yea be yea!
Abraham’s nephew Lot lived in the wicked city of Sodom. Because of its vile nature, God determined to pour out His wrath. Abraham pleaded with the Lord to spare the city after the Lord told Abraham about the impending judgment. The conversation ended with God agreeing to spare the city if He found only ten righteous people within the city of Sodom. Interestingly, Abraham started with the number fifty but stopped when he reached ten. Why did Abraham not continue to go lower in number? Abraham thought surely Lot and his family (his wife, married daughters, sons-in-law and unmarried daughters) would provide the number necessary to escape God’s pronounced judgment. Abraham believed he could depend upon Lot to instruct his family in righteousness which would then prevent the impending doom. Surely God would find ten righteous, even if He looked no further than Lot’s family. In the end, the city of Sodom was destroyed and only Lot and two daughters escaped alive. The inhabitants of the city and the rest of Lot’s family were destroyed. Sin brought God’s attention upon Sodom, but an unreliable Lot sealed its fate.
Every devoted believer treasures the thought that one day God would say to him, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21). Abraham was such a man who exhibited faithfulness. In fact, it was God who commended Abraham for his faithful life though living in a very wicked world. The Lord came to visit Abraham in the plains of Mamre while on His way to bring judgment upon Sodom and Gomorrah. As the visit was coming to an end, the Lord remained with Abraham as the two angels went to Sodom. Interestingly, the Bible reveals the mind of the Lord as He contemplated whether or not to tell Abraham about the judgment coming to Sodom. Why would the Lord sense the need to tell Abraham? The Bible provides insight in the words of the Lord when He said, “I know him.” God told Abraham because Abraham showed himself faithful (Amos 3:7).