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In the presence of others, Paul carefully behaved himself in such a way to bring glory to God. For example, when Paul was in the presence of the believers at Thessalonica, he was gentle, “even as a nurse cherisheth her children.” He laboured “night and day” because he “would not be chargeable” to the believers. Paul conducted himself in such a godly way that he had no problem suggesting that the believers themselves were witnesses of “how holily and justly and unblameably” he had behaved among them. Paul thought his testimony was so important that he would rather personally suffer than bring any reproach or blame upon himself or the work of God.
Far too many Christians fear being judged by others more than they fear being judged by Almighty God. Christians should have a healthy respect and fear concerning the coming judgment seat of Christ. Yet, very few actually understand the biblical admonition concerning how to reduce this judgment. In today’s passage, we learn that “if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.” Christians should devote their time and strength to comparing themselves against the precepts of God’s word to help correct their shortcomings. In doing so, the time of judgment at Christ’s judgment seat would lose much of its dread. In like manner, Christians should learn to become their own honest critic making it harder for others to find legitimate fault with us. The importance of this self-evaluation of judging ourselves would equate in a better testimony to the world.