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Godly ladies are known for the love they express toward others. Isaiah 49:15 might be used to argue otherwise, but the Lord references a mother’s love to depict the peak of earthly love. This passage simply points out that the mother’s love only fails to reach the pinnacle when compared to God’s own love toward His creation. God made a woman’s heart tender, but sin can harden this tender heart. For this reason, the older women within the New Testament church are instructed to nurture this particular trait within the younger women by teaching them how to love their husbands and their children (Titus 2:4). When things are spiritually right, the godly woman makes it her priority to care for those whom God has given her, and she does so in love. Examples of this love permeate the pages of scripture.
As the head of the home, the man bares the responsibility for the biblical training of every individual within his home. Yet, many homes today have no man in them. Regardless of society’s disintegration, there is never a time when the man ever relinquishes his accountability to God as the spiritual leader of his home. In today’s passage, we read of Abraham bearing his personal responsibility. According to God’s testimony, Abraham bore that responsibility well. The Lord testified that Abraham would command his children and household after him. Abraham’s family would keep the way of the LORD and would do justice and judgment. Unfortunately, the same cannot be expressed for far too many modern Christian homes. In fact, church pews are overflowing with faithful women while their men are absentee husbands expressing little to no interest in the things of God.
David was loyal and his loyalty was certainly infectious. Throughout his life, he had those who attempted great feats in order to assist or protect him. Others wanted to simply be a blessing to him. First Chronicles chapter 11 provides insight into such events. One of these examples involved David’s three mighty men performing a life threatening effort simply because David thirsted for a drink of water from the well of Bethlehem (1 Chronicles 11:15-19). Consider that level of loyalty that would inspire men to risk their lives simply because their king expressed a thirst for some particular water. In addition to the men who were willing to risk their lives for David’s safety, there were many others who merely wanted to be by David’s side. Such was the testimony of Ittai.