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Far too many people wrongly assume that the Bible lacks relevance in addressing modern problems. However, the Bible declares that things written aforetime were written for comfort in present troubles. Though the Bible does not deal specifically with every modern trouble, the work of God in past believers’ lives offers the comfort necessary to face any trouble. This is one of many reasons why it is imperative that believers read the entire Bible and not limit it to the New Testament or certain epistles within it. God’s workings in the lives of Job, Abraham, and Jeremiah can offer just as much comfort as God’s workings in the lives of Paul or John. No matter the trouble faced, an open Bible with a receptive heart serves as man’s greatest opportunity for experiencing the ever allusive comfort.
Our love for the words of God seems directly proportional to our willingness to contend for the truth. Those who love the law of God do not praise the wicked but instead contend with them. Contending against those who oppose God will not always be easy and will sometimes develop fearfulness from within. Yet, a believer who loves the Lord and His word will not idly sit by in the presence of wickedness without proclaiming the righteousness of God. Unfortunately, Christians are becoming increasingly fearful of speaking up in morally corrupt societies. Sometimes believers have allowed and even facilitated the wicked to spew forth their vile agenda and thoughts. However, those who truly love the Lord should be like the prophet Jeremiah who could not keep silent as he sensed the words of God like a fire shut up in his bones (Jeremiah 20:9)..
In Jeremiah’s day, the Israelites had grown spiritually cold concerning the truth. The Bible says that they were proceeding from evil to evil and were no longer valiant for the truth. Nobody could be trusted to tell the truth. The outcome was sure to be the judgment of God (Jeremiah 9:9). Jeremiah had a tremendous burden for his people's condition (Jeremiah 9:1). He determined to stand against the opposition so that his people might turn from their wickedness. Times may have changed since Jeremiah's day but not near as much as we might think. Far too many Christians have turned a blind eye toward evil and lost any desire to be valiant for the truth. The church and the rest of the world desperately need faithful Christians similar to the prophet Jeremiah who contended for the truth with a heart burdened for the work and the people.