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Scripture plainly reveals that God repeatedly calls for His people to separate from the world. This separation extends to every aspect of life, especially including the marriage bond. Why? Because God knows the very real danger that unbelievers pose to believers by drawing them away from Him (Deuteronomy 7:3-4; Judges 3:6-7; 1 Kings 11:2). This is why God specifically instructed His people in both the Old and New Testament to marry among themselves (Jew with Jew and Christian with Christian). The nation of Israel was forbidden to yoke up with the surrounding nations because Israel would adopt heathen practices and the worship of false gods (Exodus 34:15-16). Though God’s commands for the New Testament believer are often different from His plan for the Jew, in this aspect they remain constant and unchangeable.
No believer should knowingly marry an unbeliever (2 Corinthians 6:14). Additionally, the unmarried should look for other strengths and weaknesses in a prospective spouse before agreeing to marriage. Oftentimes, these strengths and weaknesses can be seen by interaction with the other’s parents. Isaac lied about Rebekah (Genesis 26:6-7) just as his father Abraham lied about Sarah (Genesis 12:10-13; Genesis 20:1-2). Solomon’s weakness for women (1 Kings 11:1) was first witnessed in his father David (2 Samuel 11:1-4). Rachel learned deception (Genesis 31:32-35) by watching her father act deceptively (Genesis 29:25). A careful observation of parents can reveal prospective problems in a future spouse.
Loyalty sometimes comes at the steepest of prices! For some, the cost may seem minimal, but for others it has cost them deeply, dearly, and sometimes completely. Throughout history, the people of God have endured mocking, persecution, and even martyrdom. God offers us the record of many who chose to suffer rather than recant their proclaimed faith in the Creator. Many things have changed since ancient times, but those choosing to walk with the Lord today will likewise see an escalation in all forms of persecution. This tribulation from the world will become increasingly worse as man continues to be influenced by ungodliness. Believers should willingly endure whatever cost loyalty may require by keeping in mind the ultimate price paid when Christ gave Himself for mankind. Though the list in Hebrews chapter 11 has been closed, the Lord continues to track the actions of those loyal to Him.
Modern Christianity has terribly corrupted both the meaning and beauty of liberality. Giving has turned into a show designed to bring honour and praise to those doing the giving. God never intended giving to be so perverted. For this reason, the apostle Paul declared that the bountiful giving of the saints caused thanks to be given to God (2 Corinthians 9:11). The more they gave, the more thanks God would receive (2 Corinthians 9:12). The Corinthians recognized that man should not receive personal glory for giving especially when considering the fact that one’s ability to give does not exist apart from God’s enabling. This is not to say that an individual who obeys God should not be appreciated for his obedience to God. Yet, all praise and thanks belong to God. Men should give abundantly in hopes that the Lord would receive the glory and receive many thanks.
In Moses’ day, when the people of God were called upon to give to the work of God, they gave abundantly. Ultimately, the men doing God’s work came to Moses suggesting that the people refrain from giving anything more. Any person with the right heart who believes in the work of God will not have to be begged to give. He will give liberally. This type of liberality manifested itself again in the early church. The Bible describes the people of God at that time as being “of one heart and of one soul” (Acts 4:32). Amazingly, many of them sold their houses and lands and brought the money to the apostles (Acts 4:34). This liberality greatly assisted the work of God and helped the people of God.