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No man is to be respected above another person in a form of unrighteous judgment. However, does not infer nondiscrimination in every matter.
The scriptural form of church judgment was fashioned according to the practice that will take place in the future. However, the role of judgment in the early church seems to be much more involved than generally practiced in churches today. The spiritual believers took their disputes with other believers to be judged by the church. Those believers who failed to follow this guideline were considered to be the carnal believers at Corinth. They were unwisely taking their disputes before unsaved judges. Paul rebuked these believers and explained in context their future role of judgment: believers would take part in judging the world (1 Corinthians 6:2). Additionally, believers will have a lofty responsibility of judging angels (1 Corinthians 6:3).
The last few studies have sought to dispel the notion that the Bible condemns judging. Today’s verse is no exception. Notice that the verse begins with a coordinating conjunction. The word but indicates that our verse serves a continuation of the thought that preceded it. The previous verse refers to the natural man which is someone who does not know the Lord as Saviour. Because he is not saved, he cannot discern the things of God. Today’s passage states that the “spiritual [man] judgeth all things.” A spiritual man is not only a saved man but one who enjoys the peace of God and daily fellowship with God. The other scriptural designation for man (in addition to the natural man [unsaved], and spiritual man [saved and in good fellowship]) is the carnal man [saved, but not in good fellowship]. Since the carnal man lacks the proper fellowship with the Lord (1 Corinthians 3:1), he may discern but fails in the proper execution of that discernment. Those claiming that believers should not judge are simply foolish. In fact, a spiritual man will judge all things but do so only based upon righteous judgment (John 7:24).
Carnal Christians and those who do not know the Lord consider judging others as the greatest of sins. The opposite actually holds true. Believers fail when they refuse to judge “righteous judgment.” So often, men judge people and situations simply by what is seen or through an emotional response. Yet, this is completely contrary to the scriptural admonition to judge. Instead, we are to “judge righteous judgment.” How can this be consistently done? First and foremost, we need a righteous standard by which to compare all things. In John 12:48, we learn of that righteous standard when the Lord Jesus said that His words would judge men. The Bible is a perfect Book containing perfect laws and offers a perfect standard for making judgments. Therefore, all judgment should be based upon the infallible standards provided by God within His glorious word. We will never go wrong with judging according to God’s perfect standard.
One of the most misunderstood, misquoted, and abused truths of scripture revolves around whether or not a person should judge. Contrary to popular teaching, all believers are instructed to judge all things (1 Corinthians 2:15). Yet, how a person judges makes the judgment scriptural or unscriptural. Judging with equity involves incorporating an unwavering standard by which to judge. When emotion, modern thought, and one’s educational attainments form the foundational basis for how someone judges, the standards are ever changing and never consistently applied. They rarely yield an equitable outcome. Therefore, it is important to consult an unwavering standard concerning every decision and matter. This standard must be something perfect without possibility of corruption. Only one standard consistently fits this mold, and, of course, it is the Bible. The word of God remains the standard by which the saints will be judged and the only viable source by which all things should and must be judged while on earth (John 12:48).
Imagine one day standing before “the righteous judge” of the universe who knows every action, thought, and motive. One day, this will become the reality for all those who have ever lived. The Son of God is that judge because the Father committed all judgment to Him (John 5:22). He will judge the world with righteousness and the people with equity (Psalm 98:9). His Father gave Him full authority to mete out this judgment. As the judge, He incorporates an equal standard in every ruling. The scripture testifies of this judgment when it says the Lord has a crown for Paul. Fortunately, this crown is not limited to Paul only, “but unto all them also that love his [Christ’s] appearing.” It is important to note that the word of God stands as the standard by which all truth is judged. The Lord Jesus Christ remains the righteous judge by which all is judged. Unfortunately, far too many judges pervert judgment by incorporating a changing standard into their decisions.
Some Bible words are more difficult than others to define in the strictest sense; equity is one such word. Yet, the Lord provides enough information for any diligent student willing to compare spiritual things with spiritual (1 Corinthians 2:13). In Isaiah 59:14, the word equity relates to judgment, justice, and truth. The fact that the word equity occurs only ten times in scripture links it indirectly with the Ten Commandments. Within those ten occurrences, the word basically involves judging with equality based upon a just standard. Additionally, Judges 1:7 and 2 Chronicles 6:23 reveal that the related word requite means to get even or to return evenly. The Lord will prove in the future that this is the standard by which He judges (Psalm 98:9). Since believers are to be Christlike, this too should be true of His faithful followers.