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Far too few believers consider the extent that God cares about what they do in, to, and through their bodies. The reality is that the believer is to glorify God in his body. Today’s passage instructs the saint of God to present his body to God as a living sacrifice. Amazingly, the Bible describes this spiritual sacrifice not as some great spiritual achievement but as a mere reasonable service (Romans 12:1). All true fellowship, consecration, and sanctification originate within one’s heart; however, it eventually works its way out to be visibly seen. A believer deceives himself if he claims to walk with God in sweet communion yet experiences no outward changes visible to mankind. A yielded Christian ensures that no part of his life is off limits to the Lord. He strives to ensure his life, including his body, is a testimony bringing glory to His Saviour.
Man cannot be drunk with wine and simultaneously filled with the Spirit. The two elements are completely inconsistent and stand in direct conflict. Man will be either yielded to the control of the Spirit or yielded to the control of alcohol but cannot be yielded simultaneously to both. “[B]e not drunk with wine” is a commandment to avoid sin. “[B]e filled with the Spirit” is a commandment to yield to righteousness. This dichotomy should be an easy choice for each and every believer to identify and formulate. On one hand, the individual can choose to indulge in alcoholic beverages, resulting in a choice to displease the Saviour. On the other hand, he can yield to the Holy Ghost, resulting in a decision pleasing to His Lord. No believer should ever be deceived into believing that he can fill himself with both the world’s drink and God’s Spirit. It does not work, it will not work, and it cannot not work!
A believer should be controlled only by the Lord. At no point should a man be controlled by the cravings of his body, even that of his appetite. No doubt, Paul’s words above covered a much broader scope than simply a man’s appetite, but he too understood the need to control one’s cravings. The Bible records several instances where Paul was hungry and had nothing to eat (2 Corinthians 11:27). Solomon warned his son about the need for controlling one’s appetite when seated before rulers at a meal. He admonished, “When thou sittest to eat with a ruler, consider diligently what is before thee: And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite” (Proverbs 23:1-2).