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The sorry state of biblical spirituality in the world today clearly reflects the fact that too many people think far too highly of their levels of discernment. In fact, many of the most beloved teachers when compared to the Bible would be considered false teachers. Yet, scriptural ignorance insures that the masses will never realize the extent of the deception. For this reason, multitudes are led away from faith in the words of God. The apostle Paul insured that believers are warned of the impending dangers by pointing out that Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). For this reason, believers should not marvel when his followers are also “transformed as the ministers of righteousness” (2 Corinthians 11:15). This should serve as a sober warning to the saints of God that the Devil has his minions doing his bidding. In fact, they tend to be the most expressly and outwardly religious. These people serve Satan within churches all over the world with the sole purpose of leading people astray.
The world is not short on teachings. Men have commandments. Some of these are decent and harmless, while others are dangerous. The problem comes when men elevate their doctrines or teachings to the level of God’s word. This is exactly what the religious leaders did during the Lord’s earthly ministry. They elevated their own writings, thoughts, and opinions to the level of the word of God until they would eventually give more reverence to their commandments than to the scripture. This is the propagation of false doctrine. Even now, there are multitudes of people propagating the commandments of men as though they are the words of God.
Our recent studies have revealed the importance of faith within the believer’s life along with his walk with the Lord. Yet, this study on faith can be overwhelming considering the emphasis placed upon it by God’s word. Fortunately, the Bible also teaches that even the smallest amount of faith produces some of the most remarkable outcomes for the glory of God. Though our passage directly centers on the Lord’s dealings through the apostles, the same principle applies to all—a little faith goes a long way. The believer should always ask for increased faith, yet never neglect the faith he now possesses. Daily, the Christian ought to pray in faith, read the Bible in faith, and witness in faith, while incorporating faith into every other aspect of his life and service. Take note that the believer does not benefit from waiting upon greater faith while failing to exercise the faith with which he has already been blessed.