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According to the apostle Paul, the last days would be marked by an ever greater love for pleasure than a love for the Lord. This lack of love for the Lord might manifest itself in various ways but ultimately results from a heart problem. For instance, an individual might forsake Bible reading or prayer in order to enjoy some form of amusement. He might choose not to take part in his church’s outreach because he is instead consumed with pleasure-seeking. He might forsake the assembling together with the saints of God in a worship service because he is consumed by seeking out worldly entertainment. Though men justify these things, this is an open manifestation that men choose pleasures over the God who sent His Son to die for their sins.
The Lord loves to receive sacrifices from men. Yet, it is important to recognize that the Lord looks beyond the actual sacrifices and into the heart of those making the offerings. What He sees in the heart is far more important to Him than the actual sacrifice itself. This is because a man may offer the right sacrifices but does so from a heart of ungodliness. God does not approve of such sacrifices. There were individuals who lived in the days of animal sacrifices who brought sacrifices as prescribed by the law but did so with improper motives. The Lord said of these sacrifices that to Him, these sacrifices were an abomination. Though the nature of sacrifices has changed, the fact remains that men can, and do, offer sacrifices of praise or thanksgiving outwardly all the while their hearts are far from God (Matthew 15:8).
The Devil despises any praise offered toward God. Men who sacrifice to God demonstrate their valuation of Him. For this reason, the Devil longs to eliminate godly sacrifices. Daniel 9:27 references a future time known as Daniel’s seventieth week when the Devil will cause the reinstituted Jewish animal sacrifices to cease. In the present age, God has clearly shown that He has no desire for man to sacrifice animals. Instead, believers offer spiritual sacrifices to God thus demonstrating their praise and declaring their love for God. Just as the Devil will one day seek to end the physical sacrifices given to the Lord by the Jewish people, he presently works hard to keep New Testament believers from offering the spiritual sacrifices of praise to God.