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Dedicated soldiers are a dying breed, especially amongst Christians. Few people endure when the going gets tough or obstacles surface. The average Christian believes that God’s will involves no hurdles. In the secular world, drill sergeants, employers, and teachers spend a great deal of time and effort trying to instill discipline into those who grew up lacking character with little desire to succeed. This lack of character affects us all. Good soldiers endure hardness. They do not quit in the service of the Lord because of trials and tribulations. Neither do they allow themselves to be entangled in the affairs of this life. Their main desire is to please the very one who chose them to be a soldier in the first place.
It has always been the will of God for a man to work in order to support his family. God adamantly and emphatically says, “if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel” (1 Timothy 5:8). Though this truth may seem harsh to some people, God’s expectations and guidelines always serve a greater purpose. Therefore, it is never God’s will to financially assist someone who will not work though completely capable and available. There may be times when people cannot legitimately work and have a need for help; but we disobey the Lord when we help those who have needs resulting from laziness. Our last lesson showed that the Bible defines food as a necessity; but if a man will not work, he does not even deserve the necessities of life provided to him through the generosity of others.