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Any honest person, however, would have to confess that God hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.
The Bible often defines words through their associations. For instance, the words salute, saluteth, and salutation involve a greeting.
Paul was one of the most religious people ever to live. In spite of his religious efforts, he was condemned to hell until he trusted Christ as Saviour.
In every country, believers should be the most faithful and conscientious citizens. Believers are to do this, not for personal gain, but for the Lord’s sake.
Very few understand that the tongue is one of the most dangerous weapons possessed by man. It is commonly used to wound, deceive, and corrupt others.
Although no person is excluded from troubles, saints have historically understood that God extends mercy as He divvies out life’s trials.
Those with a broad understanding of scripture recognize that charity functions as the peak of Christianity (see 1 Corinthians 13:13). Yet, few students consider the fact that a good conscience is mentioned within the same context (1 Timothy 1:5). A good conscience was a key component of Paul’s charge to young Timothy (1 Timothy 1:18-19). It was also part of Peter’s admonition to the believers to whom he wrote (1 Peter 3:16). In Paul’s own life, it was one of his chief concerns to serve the Lord with a good or a pure conscience (1 Timothy 3:9; 2 Timothy 1:3). It may require work, but the early believers saw the importance of putting forth the effort to maintain a good conscience.
The preacher of God’s words has many responsibilities. One such responsibility concerns his obligation to charge believers to live their lives in such a way that they may be void of blame. Paul gave Timothy instructions concerning one’s treatment of other believers (especially widows). This is not the only scriptural admonition to avoid blame. In fact, the scripture is filled with instructions dealing with other subjects meant to help the believer avoid being justly blamed. God instructed the man of God to teach and preach these truths in order to guide the believer. It remains each believer’s responsibility to believe the words of God and live in accordance with those words so as not to bring reproach upon the name or cause of Christ.
Bible-believing Christians in their desire for independence have sometimes been characterized as rebels disapproving of most authority. This characterization should not be the case and our lives should reflect just the opposite mind-set and approach. Those who know the Lord should be the first to obey, submit to (Hebrews 13:17), and pray for (1 Timothy 2:1-2) those in authority. Those who walk in the flesh are the ones who“despise government” and “are not afraid to speak evil of dignities” (2 Peter 2:10; Jude 1:8). There are times when man’s authority comes into direct conflict with God’s authority. In these cases, men must choose to obey God (Acts 5:29).  Yet, there are plenty of other times when the people of God need to learn a greater respect for authority.
Though the testimony of each believer has its own unique circumstances, each stood guilty of sinning against a holy and righteous God. The apostle Paul testified that prior to his salvation, he too served divers lusts and pleasures. The apostle Paul, though he may have been oblivious to this fault, knew that he had been a slave or servant to his own desires. Unfortunately, the unending need for pleasure drives those who do not know the Lord as Saviour, just as it drove each believer before he or she was born again. For those blinded to the truth, this form of servitude brings plenty of distraction with no satisfaction. The individual who partakes in worldly pleasures does so only to find a greater need for additional pleasure. Apart from the Lord, he becomes pleasure’s servant with no hope of freedom.