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God places a high value on life. His desire was for man to be fruitful and multiply and bring forth abundantly in the earth (Genesis 9:7).
There are many stories of those overcome with a sense of embarrassment resulting from their actions while under the influence. As they increasingly yielded to the power of strong drink, they did things they later regretted once sober. This is what the Bible means about alcohol when it says it causes men to “stumble in judgment.” No doubt many of God’s people like Noah (Genesis 9:21-25) and Lot (Genesis 19:31-36) had regrets as they became sober. The Bible tells of Nabal who “was very drunken” and foolishly refused to help king David (1 Samuel 25:1-17, 36). When he came to himself, Abigail told her husband all that had transpired during his drunken stupor. After he heard of his foolish actions, the Bible says that “his heart died within him” (1 Samuel 25:37).
People unite over various causes. Some of those causes are righteous, while others are not. Unity based upon a righteous cause pleases the Lord and leads to righteous acts. Unity based upon ungodly or carnal causes grieves the Lord and leads to the wickedness we find so prevalent in the world today. After the flood, the Lord commanded Noah and his family to “replenish the earth” (Genesis 9:1). They could not replenish the earth if they remained together so the Lord wanted Noah’s family to spread out across the earth. Yet, the people immediately began settling together and “Noah began to be an husbandman” (Genesis 9:20). This may seem insignificant, but it was only the precursor to the unified desire in Genesis 11:4 to build “a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven.” Noah’s disobedience led to further and greater disobedience and unity in a common wicked cause.
Twenty-first century believers hold onto many misconceptions concerning the Lord’s desire for harmony. Far too many believers desire harmony at any cost. This harmony is commonly promoted on various ecumenical levels as spirituality and truth are sacrificed upon the altar of unity. Though the Lord certainly promotes unity within smaller units, He has never commanded unity in spite of diversity. All the way back to man’s earliest days, the Lord established His desire for His people to separate (read Genesis chapter 9). The only way for Noah to “replenish the earth” was for him and his seed to multiply and spread out upon the face of the earth. The people refused to divide, so we read the resulting judgment upon the world in Genesis chapter 11. The people stayed together and united to build a tower (Genesis 11:4). The Lord had other plans and divided the people by confounding their languages so that they could no longer communicate and cooperate in their godless endeavours (Genesis 11:5-8).