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Throughout man’s sordid history, people have mocked, rejected, and forsaken the Lord. They have chosen to look to gods that cannot save or help.
People in the world are generally quite self-centered. Even saved people are often lovers of their own selves instead of preferring one another.
Everything in the Christian life is dependent upon prayer. Thankfully, we serve a God who hears, answers, and has respect unto prayer.
In establishing His covenant with Israel, God promised them He would have respect unto them, make them fruitful, and multiply them.
Although there are times where God respects some while rejecting others, God’s acceptance of one and rejection of another is never a baseless respect.
The Bible repeatedly teaches that faith is of paramount importance in the life of every believer. Furthermore, the Bible clearly specifies the origin of faith as “the word of God.” Unfortunately, most Christians understand little about the singular source of true faith. The Bible teaches that the believer’s faith increases only in proportion to his hearing of God’s words. Man may see things in this life that lead him toward doubt and dismay, yet the hearing of God’s word shrinks these doubts by building and strengthening faith. For instance, reading about the working of God in the lives of men like Moses, Joseph, and David, and women like Ruth, Hannah, and Sarah increases faith in God. These imperfect men and women displayed great faith because of God and His word. Remember that faith is a choice, but there is little opportunity for choice without the hearing of God’s word.