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Scriptural traditions are worthy of the believer’s allegiance and should move him to break fellowship with those who refuse to adhere to those biblical traditions. The apostle Paul spoke of traditions that the believers in Thessalonica had received from him. These traditions were good and were to be maintained by the believers (2 Thessalonians 2:15). In fact, these traditions were so important that the people of God were to “withdraw” themselves from those (including “every brother”) who walked disorderly (in disobedience to the traditions). No doubt, these traditions were the very ones which Paul made known in his epistles.
Many people are quite zealous of following the traditions of men. For instance, the apostle Paul was so exceedingly zealous of the traditions of his fathers that he “persecuted this way unto the death, binding and delivering into prisons both men and women” (Acts 22:4). This same act has been true throughout church history. History reveals that many saints of God were severely punished and even put to death for rejecting unscriptural traditions such as infant baptism. In some cases, babies were ripped from the arms of their mothers and cast into lakes and rivers. Others were tossed into arenas with lions for rejecting traditions choosing to hold up scripture. Why? Because men are zealous of their traditions and will persecute to keep their ways intact!
The Bible repeatedly teaches that faith is of paramount importance in the life of every believer. Furthermore, the Bible clearly specifies the origin of faith as “the word of God.” Unfortunately, most Christians understand little about the singular source of true faith. The Bible teaches that the believer’s faith increases only in proportion to his hearing of God’s words. Man may see things in this life that lead him toward doubt and dismay, yet the hearing of God’s word shrinks these doubts by building and strengthening faith. For instance, reading about the working of God in the lives of men like Moses, Joseph, and David, and women like Ruth, Hannah, and Sarah increases faith in God. These imperfect men and women displayed great faith because of God and His word. Remember that faith is a choice, but there is little opportunity for choice without the hearing of God’s word.