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The salutations given by one saint to another are to be given through prayer having both the word of God and the will of God in mind.
The apostle Paul knew the saints of God and desired to greet them by name. This serves as a tremendous demonstration of brotherly love!
Paul’s salutation was so important to him that although he did not personally pen most of his epistles, he personally penned his salutation.
The Bible often defines words through their associations. For instance, the words salute, saluteth, and salutation involve a greeting.
No doubt Paul spoke to the Lord about Hymenaeus and Alexander and their wickedness (1 Timothy 1:20; 2 Timothy 4:14), but he most likely expended his strength thanking God for believers like those in Rome (Romans 1:8). All believers should thank God for those whose reputations have been carefully maintained. Throughout the world, people spoke of the faith of those in Rome. The Bible tells us that news of their obedience spread abroad unto all men (Romans 16:19). Although Paul would commend them for their godly reputations, he knew who ultimately deserved the thanks. In like manner, believers today should put forth more strength thanking God for good reputations.
Men not only develop reputations among other men, but they also develop a reputation with the Lord. A wise individual seeks “favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man.” Fortunately, the path to favour in the sight of God follows the same course as that of finding favour in the sight of the right kind of men. According to Proverbs 3:1-3, these elements include remembrance of God’s law, keeping the commandments, and forsaking not mercy and truth. Before dismissing the importance of this dual favour amongst both God and man, consider that the scriptures inform us that the Lord Jesus increased in wisdom leading to an increase in “favour with God and man.”