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The saint of God is to have one chief love—the word of God. One of the primary reasons the scriptures were written was that believers “might have hope” (Romans 15:4). The world wonders why anyone would desire to read about the lives of those who lived thousands of years ago. This so-called archaic book has no appeal to them. Yet, the testimonies found in scripture concerning God’s provisions continue to provide hope for anyone today willing to look into that book. Multiple times in Psalm 119 the psalmist declared his hope in the word of God (Psalm 119:49, 74, 81, 114, 147). The truth is, man’s hope for the coming of Christ, his hope in a heavenly home, and his hope in eternal life is all founded solely upon the words recorded in the pages of the Bible.
Young people often underestimate how the Lord might use them for His glory even at an early age. Yet, the Lord frequently used children and young people to accomplish great feats. One such case is the testimony of the unnamed lad who supplied five barley loaves and two small fishes. Though his name and age are unknown, his selflessness and availability are not. The Lord took his insignificant meal and multiplied it until it was able to feed five thousand men, plus women and children. The Lord did not refuse the lad for service due to his inexperience or inabilities. He merely needed the lad’s availability. In like manner, God desires to use young people today. All He needs is for a young person to make himself available and leave the results to God.