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Every generation has their own set of ritualistic practices: vegetarianism, the refusal to eat meat, and veganism, the refusal to eat any animal product, are increasingly popular today. The problems arise when proponents of these practices seek to promote the idea that meat eating is evil and should be eliminated. Today’s passage proves that the scriptures teach just the opposite. In fact, any individual preaching or teaching a necessary abstinence from eating meat is preaching a doctrine of devils. Regardless of what the modern doctors, scientists, or latest fad diets prescribe, the Bible clearly states that God does not intend for His people to abstain from eating meat. Much of the modern movement stems from an idolatrous view of the animal kingdom. Yet, God clearly provided animals for man’s survival and continuation.
The Lord wants His children to have joy and that without limitations. He wants Christians to experience the fulness of joy that only comes from right relationships. This fulness only exists in the lives of believers as certain conditions are met. The right relationship involves fellowship with God which in turn evolves into the right kind of fellowship with other believers. According to today's passage, the words of the Lord Jesus bring fulness of joy to the saint of God. Additionally, answered prayer offers fulness of joy (John 16:24). In addition to our fellowship with the Lord, the Bible suggests that fellowship with other believers also yields fulness of joy (2 John 1:12). Every astute Bible student recognizes that these two fellowships are inextricably linked (1 John 1:3). No dedicated Christian can experience true fellowship with other dedicated believers without first having the right kind of fellowship with God Almighty.