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No other book ever written apart from the Bible can offer the spiritual blessings received from reading, hearing, and heeding it. The Bible specifically indicates a special blessing can be received from reading the book of Revelation. However, there can be no doubt that blessings are received any time any of the words of God are read and heard. Perhaps these blessings will not immediately show themselves; but eventually, believers devoting time to the reading and/or hearing of scripture will begin to receive great spiritual benefits. As the word of God enters the eyes and ears, it works its way into the heart and mind. As the word of God moves into these areas, it begins a purification process (Ephesians 5:26).
Many people who fail to understand the Bible’s contents foolishly judge the Bible as a closed book except to those academically superior. The problem does not rest with God’s words but with man’s spiritual inabilities. This should be expected as the Bible says, “the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthians 2:14). Even the saved at times may have difficulty understanding certain Bible passages, but God has given His Spirit to those who are saved to teach them and guide them in their understanding of His words. This truth is confirmed in John 14:26 when the Bible says, “the Comforter . . . shall teach you all things.”
The Bible is not meant to be read merely for the sake of reading. God intends for the Bible to be read with a deliberate purpose! Sometimes that purpose may be learning, while at other times it may be for purification. There will be times when one might not know the purpose for reading, but there can be no doubt that the Lord has a purpose. In Deuteronomy 17:18-19, the Lord states that His king should spend time in the law of God so that “he may learn to fear the LORD his God” and “keep all the words of” God’s law “to do them.” In Ephesians 5:26, the Lord describes one of these purposes when He speaks of “the washing of water by the word.” God’s purposes may be missed when one indiscriminately hastens through the scriptures.
The Lord laboured to reveal, inspire, and preserve His words for man to read, learn, and study. Did He do so but then insure that no one could possibly understand? No! The Lord gave man His word with the expectation that each believer would read it and heed what it says. In Isaiah 34:16, the Lord commanded His people to “Seek . . . out of the book of the LORD, and read.” In fact, a constant theme of the Lord’s rebukes, during His earthly ministry, pertained to man’s failure to read the scriptures. In Matthew 12:3, the Lord rebuked the Pharisees for their failure to read about the exploits of David. In another place, the Lord rebuked the Sadducees by saying, “Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God” (Matthew 22:29). The Lord obviously expected His people to know and heed His word.
The Christian’s relationship at times is unfathomable. For this reason, it may be difficult to conceive that believers can actually minister to the Lord. Yet, the pages of God’s word declare that it is not only possible but a big part of being saved. Ministering to the Lord is done by fulfilling the ministry of the word, the ministry of reconciliation, and the ministry of the saints. Additionally, you can visualize it by considering that ministering to the Lord is accomplished when believers do anything that offers God the praise and honour due Him. In Acts chapter 13, the believers “ministered unto the Lord” and though the passage does not offer specifics on what this entailed, an understanding of the previously mentioned ministries sheds light on their efforts.
God designed and willed for the Christian home and the local body of believers to function as two of the closest experiences to heaven on this side of eternity. As believers, we ought to love one another (John 13:34-35) and serve one another by that love (Galatians 5:13). Rather than backbiting and devouring each other (Galatians 5:15), believers ought to give themselves to ministering to each other. In Paul’s epistle to the Corinthian believers, God led Paul to mention a family addicted to the ministry. At some point, this family decided to sacrifice their own gain for the sake of ministering to others. Because of this commitment, the Bible says that Stephanas refreshed the spirit of other believers.
The Bible points to the unsaved man as an enemy of God (Romans 5:10). Fortunately, those who have trusted Christ as Saviour have been reconciled to God through the blood of Jesus Christ (Romans 5:10; 2 Corinthians 5:18). This reconciliation transforms the enemies of God into His ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20). What a wonderful salvation! But there is more! The Lord Jesus has given the ministry of reconciliation to all those who have been reconciled. As such, we are to submit ourselves to the work of telling others how they too can be reconciled to God. Paul understood this and declared that he was a “debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise” (Romans 1:14).