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In the last days, believers must remain alert. There is no time for sleeping. For it is while believers sleep that the enemy works most effectively. Even the Lord Jesus acknowledged the great need of the day when He said, “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work” (John 9:4). Just as it was in the days of Gideon (Judges 7:5-7), the Lord wants soldiers who are fully aware of their surroundings. A sober minded believer keeps his eyes open, knowing he has an enemy that is on the prowl and ready to devour (1 Peter 5:8). The sober minded believer also knows that one lapse in judgment can cause immense damage during the spiritual battle. Sobriety keeps every reality in the forefront of the mind.
Sobriety is much more than simply a way of thinking; it is the scriptural approach to Christian living. The grace of God, through the Holy Ghost (John 16:13), teaches the believer the proper approach to living the Christian life. Grace teaches separation by stating that believers should deny “ungodliness and worldly lusts.” Yet, grace does not stop there. It also teaches a threefold approach to living life: “soberly, righteously, and godly.” Not only must a believer have a sober mind, he must also approach every aspect of his life with sobriety. He should pray with sobriety. He should read the scriptures with sobriety. He should witness with sobriety. Any contrary thing will cause the believer to suffer great loss.
As time winds down, the need for sobriety increases. Temptations are seemingly escalating from every angle and source. Even if sin did not have the ability to lure away a believer, busyness and hobbies tug at his heart to steal away one’s time and strength. The Devil labours to keep the believer from working while it is day (John 9:4) knowing that a sober believer gets much more accomplished for the Lord. While men are spiritually asleep (Matthew 13:25), the enemy has free reign to disrupt and destroy the lives of others. The apostle Paul saw this dilemma and warned “that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed” (Romans 13:11).
Our love for the words of God seems directly proportional to our willingness to contend for the truth. Those who love the law of God do not praise the wicked but instead contend with them. Contending against those who oppose God will not always be easy and will sometimes develop fearfulness from within. Yet, a believer who loves the Lord and His word will not idly sit by in the presence of wickedness without proclaiming the righteousness of God. Unfortunately, Christians are becoming increasingly fearful of speaking up in morally corrupt societies. Sometimes believers have allowed and even facilitated the wicked to spew forth their vile agenda and thoughts. However, those who truly love the Lord should be like the prophet Jeremiah who could not keep silent as he sensed the words of God like a fire shut up in his bones (Jeremiah 20:9)..
There are very few matters in this life for which we ought to earnestly contend. Yet “the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” stands as one of those things. “The faith” in this context refers specifically to the body of doctrine delivered to us. As believers, we should always be ready and willing to take a stand for the truths of God’s holy word. This contending does not suggest becoming violent toward those who oppose truth. However, it does mean that we should unwaveringly stand forth proclaiming the truth of God’s word despite man's disapproval. The Lord delivered these truths to us and for us and we should not allow the world to attack them unopposed. We must determine to take a bold stand! We must contend! No matter the repercussions, our allegiance to the One who graciously delivered such truths should shine forth as a light in a dark world.