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Loyalty is a godly trait, and like most godly traits, difficulties can accompany it. The story of David and Uriah serves as a prime example. David sinned against the Lord when he committed adultery with Bathsheba, Uriah’s wife. His actions caused her to become expectant with child. In an attempt to cover his wickedness, he sent for Uriah, his faithful soldier. David knew that his only opportunity to hide his sin from man was for Uriah to go home to Bathsheba. However, Uriah was a faithful soldier. He simply refused to enjoy the comforts of being with his wife while his fellow soldiers were enduring the hardness of battle.  Uriah instead chose to sleep at the door of the king’s house. This loyalty caused David to reevaluate his devious plan and escalate the consequences. He decided to order Uriah to the hottest part of the battle insuring certain death. It was not just the enemy that killed Uriah, but also his loyalty to an unfaithful man!
As the people had honoured the Lord, they had honoured Moses. When Moses placed his honour upon Joshua, he did so in order to encourage the people’s obedience and loyalty toward Joshua. Moses wanted the same loyalty that had been directed toward him now directed toward Joshua. God’s people could have risen up against Joshua thinking that he had not accomplished enough to merit their loyalty. Yet, the people respected the fact that Moses had directly placed his own honour upon his minister Joshua. The people emphatically accepted Moses’ message as reflected by their answer to Joshua: “According as we hearkened unto Moses in all things, so will we hearken unto thee: only the LORD thy God be with thee, as he was with Moses” (Joshua 1:17).
Man’s loyalty must be first and foremost directed toward the Lord; however, an aspect of one’s loyalty to the Lord also involves a certain loyalty toward man. At times, these loyalties might conflict. During those instances, each person should heed the words of Simon Peter when he admonished, “We ought to obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29). When one’s loyalty to God does not conflict with any loyalty toward man, the Lord admonishes men to be loyal toward one another. When Moses placed his honour upon Joshua, he did so in order to encourage obedience, respect, and loyalty on the part of the people of God. In similar fashion, the Lord has crowned man with glory and honour (Psalm 8:5). As such, the Lord has naturally put within man a desire to be loyal toward the Lord and others.
Our studies reveal that the Bible places great emphasis upon the evils of strife. Any sincere believer should recognize that this negative strife is often based upon pride, hatred, and a love for transgression. Yet, there are times when the opposite holds true. Striving can be done out of a holy desire to please the Lord. Perhaps the most significant aspect concerns the enemy with whom believers strive. The apostle Paul said that he “strived to preach the gospel” (Romans 15:20) and desired for believers to “strive together with” him in prayers to God (Romans 15:30). He further illustrated his point concerning striving by pointing out some opposing parallels: the world strives for mastery in order to gain a corruptible crown, but believers should strive to gain an incorruptible crown.
For a variety of reasons, people do the things they choose to do. Sometimes their motives are right and godly, and at other times, their motives are simply wrong. The motive should never result from strife or vainglory in the Lord’s service. The Lord Jesus Christ, of course, offers the perfect example of someone whose motives were always pure and holy. People often assumed the worst and said untrue things about Him. He certainly had the right and the wherewithal each and every time to correct their errors. He could have won any and every argument without mercy or grace. Yet, His service was not motivated by selfishness or pride. In fact, the Bible points out that He was equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation (Philippians 2:6-7). He knew He was always right but allowed Himself to be defamed for the greater cause.
The church at Antioch sent out Paul and Barnabas (Acts 13:1-4). These men were missionaries seeking to win the lost and edify the children of God. They travelled far and wide on their first missionary journey and then returned to Antioch to offer the believers a report of the work (Acts 15:30). Soon thereafter, Paul determined that he and Barnabas should make a second trip to check on the growth of those to whom they previously ministered (Acts 15:36). Barnabas sincerely desired to accompany Paul but also thought it wise to take John Mark (who had previously quit on Paul and Barnabas). Paul disagreed with taking John Mark and the Bible describes that the “contention was so sharp between them, that they departed asunder one from the other” (Acts 15:39).
No doubt about it: the world is full of problems. Every day, people choose to say and do things that they should not say or do. Their actions contain all of the necessary ingredients for strife. The Bible says a wrathful man looks for the possibility of strife and does whatever necessary to stir it up (Proverbs 15:18). Why does he do this? The Bible points out that he is proud of heart (Proverbs 28:25) and full of hatred (Proverbs 10:12). The Bible further describes this work in Proverbs 26:20-21 where it says, “Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out: so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceaseth. As coals are to burning coals, and wood to fire; so is a contentious man to kindle strife.” A contentious man seeks to rekindle the flames as he notices the fires of strife beginning to be extinguished.
There are times when strife remains an unavoidable option; however, no believer should ever strive with others without a just cause and purpose. Today’s passage gives instructions for dealing with a neighbour as this relationship is more likely than any other to encounter strife. The Lord instructs a man to never devise evil against his neighbour. In like manner, a man should never instigate strife when his neighbour has done him no harm. There are many examples in the Bible of those who chose not to heed this admonition. Nabal, the husband of Abigail, was a wicked man who refused to provide provisions for David’s men (1 Samuel 25:1-38). David and his men had done no harm to Nabal or his belongings. In fact, David’s men had been a blessing and help to Nabal’s shepherds. Fortunately, the wisdom of Nabal’s wife subdued David’s desire for strife.
As Abram and Lot travelled together, it became increasingly obvious that the multitude of their possessions would make it difficult for them to dwell together. Eventually, the herdmen of the two men began to strive with each other over the pastures for their cattle. No doubt, both groups of herdmen were primarily concerned with the well-being of their own master’s cattle. Neither was willing to compromise their own needs or wishes in order to accommodate the needs of the other group. As Abram witnessed the relationship decay, he knew that he must concede to the inevitability of separating the two groups. He asked Lot to choose another piece of land in which to dwell.
Every person cannot give the same amount, but every person can give. According to our passage, “Every man shall give as he is able.” Because some people might use this as an excuse not to give, the Lord further states that giving should be “according to the blessing of the LORD thy God which he hath given thee.” The New Testament repeats this same principle in 1 Corinthians 16:2. Every man is to give “as God hath prospered him.” The book of Acts gives a practical example. In Acts 11:29, the disciples sent relief to their brethren and every man did so “according to his ability.” Each believer should give to the Lord corresponding to how the Lord has prospered him.