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Learning that God is the creator in the person of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 3:9, Colossians 1:16) should serve as one of the earliest of life’s lessons. Some people have used this truth of God as creator to suggest that He is accountable for their lustful desires, yet nothing could be further from the truth. Believers should continue to believe and proclaim that God created each person on purpose and for a purpose. Unfortunately, many people try to point to God as a prime excuse for the sin within their own hearts and lives. They point to some failure, sin, or lifestyle and say, “God made me this way.” God does make some people short and others tall. He makes some with blue eyes and some with green. He makes some male and some female. God made each individual with certain traits, yet the truth of who and what we are flows from the choices we have made, good and bad. One commonality amongst all of God’s creation concerns the need for the soul’s salvation. Instead of trying so hard to question God’s wisdom, believers should rather choose to serve Him to the best of their God-given abilities.
Every unsaved person will have windows of opportunities when he becomes most receptive to the gospel of Christ. The Devil works hard to keep people in darkness and will distract them by every means necessary (i.e., the death of a loved one, a crying child, a ringing phone, busyness, etc.). The salvation of a soul involves a spiritual battle that can only be won by the Lord’s intervention. There is a window of time when the lost are most receptive to the gospel, likewise suggesting only a window of opportunity for the saved to speak for Christ. This is the very reason the apostle Paul stressed the importance of the saints of God beseeching the Lord to open to them a door of utterance (Ephesians 6:19).